Anonymous ID: 335cdc Jan. 4, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.4592480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A worthy contemplation knowing the cabalist enemies that plot against us today and every day -


The devil is a spirit, and of his own nature he hath no body, more than hath an angel. But yet nevertheless what time that he or an angel shall take any body by leave of God, to make any ministration to any man in this life; according as the work is that he shall minister, thereafter in likeness is the quality of his body in some part. Ensample of this we have in Holy Writ. As oft as any angel was sent in body in the Old Testament and in the New also, evermore it was shewed, either by his name or by some instrument or quality of his body, what his matter or his message was in spirit. On the same manner it fareth of the fiend. For when he appeareth in body, he figureth in some quality of his body what his servants be in spirit. p. 250 Ensample of this may be seen in one instead of all these other. For as I have conceived by some disciples of necromancy, the which have it in science for to make advocation of wicked spirits, and by some unto whom the fiend hath appeared in bodily likeness; that in what bodily likeness the fiend appeareth, evermore he hath but one nostril, and that is great and wide, and he will gladly cast it up that a man may see in thereat to his brain up in his head. The which brain is nought else but the fire of hell, for the fiend may have none other brain; and if he might make a man look in thereto, he wants no better. For at that looking, he should lose his wits for ever.


-Cloud of Unknowing, Chapter 55

Online text here:

Anonymous ID: 335cdc Jan. 4, 2019, 5 a.m. No.4592517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The key to understanding that public education nowadays is intended to indoctrinate kids and destroy family cohesion is this simple fact: it is centralized at the federal level.


This is why they fear decentralization and turning education standards back over to local communities. Parental oversight and community values prevail locally.