Anonymous ID: 5223c0 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:08 a.m. No.4592259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270 >>2276 >>2315 >>2790


There aren't "levels" per say… You become a Master Mason upon taking your third-degree. Degrees are essentially ritual-presentations of some story. Like a mock-play. Fully-pretend and harmless, of course. One can pursue other degrees if they choose, but many do not. The first 3 degrees are considered the "Blue Lodge". From there you can pursue degrees in the York Rite or Scottish Rite. Most choose the Scottish Rite, but I hear the York Rite is more "Christian-based". That being said, people don't go through the degrees consecutively anymore like 4,5,6,7, etc. People get their "higher-up" degrees pretty easily and in some cases in less than a few years. You'll take something like the 7th and 9th, then skip to the 16th and 17th, then the 23rd and 25th, then get your 31st, or something. Not for me… And I'm pretty sure the dudes that go ahead with this stuff are not imparted with some secret-occult knowledge that I could not access, or become part of some secret club that "knows more secrets than the rest" or some stuff like that.


For me, it's kinda like church in a way… If you realize the point is to just be a good person, treat people how you want to be treated, and handle your responsibilities, there is no need to attend all the time or "advance" in that field. Idk, maybe doing those degrees over and over brainwashes these dudes into learning moral-lessons. Or, maybe it brainwashes them to be communist-Jews. Idk… I didn't see any identifying ideology representing the group. They are mixed-bag just like any group of people. There were hard-core conservatives, and bleeding heart liberals where I was at. There were old-dudes, young-dudes. Some really friendly, some kinda grumpy. New guys are always skeptical AF, then seem almost disappointed to learn it's not some crazy, mind-blowing shit going on. I certainly felt let down… No one has all the answers, you know what I mean?


Anyway… So, that's my take on them. I first became interested in them, because I thought they were Satanist-bastards and I was going to destroy them. Then, upon studying Freemasonry it seemed rather benevolent and noble. But, upon joining and actually getting my feet wet… It was just… Boring. Not really "good" or "bad".


Everyone has a different perspective, I suppose.

Anonymous ID: 5223c0 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:16 a.m. No.4592298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2341



Oh yeah, there is that too… I suspect OTHER groups have infiltrated this organization, pretty heavily. But that is another matter completely, and aside from Freemasonry. Besides, they are easily recognizable and dispensed of, with a little crazy-talk. They try to make you feel special, almost like you ARE being recruited or something. But they aren't just in Freemasonry…

Anonymous ID: 5223c0 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:25 a.m. No.4592341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That being said, I was absolutely appalled to see how many retards from this board clamored over Q's statement about applying to the NSA (Even though it was clearly directed at that officer with the patch).


FIGHT FOR US… THE PEOPLE. Not the gov't. You fake-ass, anons.


The second you sign on to work for the FBI, COA, NSA or any of these other groups, you are HAND-CUFFED. You no-longer have the freedom to investigate who and what you choose. You will be told who and what to investigate. You will be told who and what to trust. Then, when these faggots shit up our board talking about "bot-shills" and shit, they will be correct. Because that's what you'll be. A fucking robot, for the state.


Hold on… Hold on to your freedom. Fight for it. Don't fucking hand it over!