Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 3:38 a.m. No.4592163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2165 >>2172 >>2183 >>2322 >>2485

Healthy Brain Spect Scans and New Brain Repair Science; Implications for Soldiers, Prisoners, NFL players, ADHD, Spontaneous violence, PTSD, and more. Not my specialty but is worth posting.


Fot those with no time to view the vid (Next link embed):

It use to be, under the old guard, medical scientists were taught that the brain and nerves could not be repaired.This is turning out to be untrue, most recently. Brain repair is going to be big science in the next generation of medical investigators.


In addition to this, It use to be, under the old globalist guard, psychologists, and psychiatrists could not take blood tests, or use scan equipment to diagnose anything. They had to look at behavior, and take a stab in the dark and what might be the right drug to make the pharmacy companies money.

No more.


This short talk by Daniel Amen covers his biggest lessons from a lifetime of doing 83,000 brain scans after getting out of the war as a medic. I would note that certain people in the medical community harassed him for doing this scan project. Hmmm….


He says Scientists are now learning that un-diagnosed brain injuries are a major cause of homelessness, drug, alcohol, depression, panic attacks, ADHD, suicide and more . Hurting the brain does not appear to take much. Even high school football can do it.


It made me think of /our guys/ who need the best of care if they do not feel right after coming home from defending the nation, especially if they are found living in the street. The suicide rate for vets is off the chart. Soldiers coming back from war need to be checked for undiagnosed concussion.


In this long project, they have scanned over 500 felons including 90 murders. Surprise was that many of the brains could be rehabilitated and healed.

He notes this could save tremendous amounts of money so when they come home from war, or out of prison, they can have happy families, hold a job, and "pay taxes". People laughed, but, he may be right. It may just be the incentive we need to start getting serious about these kinds of injuries. They are more common than we know. They can happen with a bump on the head. And the psych world never sends patients for a scan and full neurology work up, it seems.

Then again, where would big pharma drug sales be if they did?


You can change people's brains now, and when you do, you change their lives he says.Study on NFL players, showing high levels of damage. NFL said they did not know.

The brain is soft like butter, in a hard skull with sharp bony ridges.

In the second part of the study where they put NFL players on a brain smart program, blood flow, memory, and mood improved. We are not stuck with brain damage anymore. This is great science.


14 minute Tedx Talk here. Will embed in next link for convenience

Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.4592183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2215 >>2527


I think the thing that struck me the most was the way the powers that be acted when they did not want anyone but them doing scans. If they can keep brain science from advancing; If they can keep special scanning equipment out of the hands of "the club" then they can keep us believing that brains can not be healed. It's just another way to "hide the cure".

Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 3:58 a.m. No.4592226   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another division fag. What happened to all the muj joo shills? Did they decide to give up and see if they could divide us another way? Good grief.

Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:53 a.m. No.4592485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4592163 (You)



>Excellent vid - thx! Involved with some cases of neural network rewiring, been looking at multiple programs and have seen draw-dropping result in one case


Thanks. This is not what I study, but I sure found it interesting. It is interrelated tho, and I am glad to see we are finally getting some truth in medicine and science starting to break out in different areas. They hide the cures and good medicine.

I am doing a big cancer post right now. There are doctors in jail because of their hypothesis on cancer, and it really irks me.

We can't have good medicine if all the doctors are this scared (and sane to be scared)


What I have tracked and studied for 20 years in the medical research is the effect of the glutamic acid in the food supply and what it does to the body. This generation of children is such a mess because the bodies main neurotransmitter (glutamate or glutamic acid) is being used as a flavor enhancer, and it is slowly killing brain cells, so the kids have brains that probably look like that one there that was labeled "drug damage".


It is my hope that parents look into this brain repair and protection information, as well as the shot information, so we do not have another generation of badly harmed children. Our generation did not have the net. Wish we did. I happened to be a biologist so my kids got lucky. I literally brought sight back to my son, after he was discovered to be legally blind. So yeah, I get it when you say you saw jaw dropping results. I want our people who have been hurt to have hope, and know they can do something to help themselves.


What is cool here is that if your child's brain is harmed with the food, or by accident, you can use the items listed there in the research photo I attached to help repair the brains of the children. I have seen this exact list of supplements during the Blaylock brain/Alzheimers protection lecture. Would love to contact this researcher and learn more about what they are doing.

Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 5:02 a.m. No.4592527   🗄️.is 🔗kun








>I also imagine it would piss them off if we had a way to cure the mkultra trauma victims that have brain damage from the torture.


>Fixing brains is not what (((they))) want to do.


Wow. I never even thought about that. Imagine what they would remember, and reconnect, poor things. Personally I have had it with (((them))). Woke up 20 years ago. Feels like I have been researching on the hidden cures at the medical database forever. It's time to fight back and hang these people.

Anonymous ID: 95a738 Jan. 4, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.4592696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2762


They did. Watched them do it. I was watching Dr. Amy Holmes who's son was diagnosed with Autism come back to her blog explaining the incident. She was handed the paper with the symptoms of Autism on it. She was the "poison control" doc, so she looked at the symptoms, handed the paper back to the pediatrician, and said, "You made a mistake, you gave me the Mercury poison symptom list"

The pediatrician and Dr Holmes stared at the list forever, comparing the two. It suddenly hit them they could not diagnose autism without ruling out mercury. They gave Dr Holmes son a DMSA push test. He started pissing mercury. Apparently the kids who have low glutathion by genetics, can not detox the mercury fast enough.

Anyway, as the two were standing over the child's hospital bed, the hospital TV happened to be on CSPAN, and 500 parents of autistic kids were testifying to Congress. They looked at each other and asked how many of those 500 were actually mercury poisoned. They got the list, called the parents, tested them all. 86% of the kids pissed out mercury on the test push.

What happened then?

The Congress created the vaccine injury compensation board or whatever they call it now, so the compensation to parents could be limited, and there was no longer any right to take these vaccine makers to court.

Yeah. Watched that happen.


By the way, the list side by side of autism/mercury poisoning identical symptoms that the two docs were staring at, I loaded it for you. It is located in this paper that they are scrubbing off the net. Took me a while to find it.

Going to archive it now.

