Certainly better than Wilcock and Occasional Cortex spam
Just grab German Archive Anons zips myself.
You can "save as" webpage to get most of it though
>What is keeping them there?
Same that keeps many of us here likely.
Connections with like minded individuals.
Just not a secret society here.
Send her a ham sammich
Did you show them the Q videos from Joe M?
Tends to be a good hopeful message to make up for the evil.
might make a good follow up if not
>We are sick of telling our family and frens - NEXT WEEK
What's with this "we" shit.
Never been given a specific date, and therefore not stupid enough to cite one.
Even if a date was given it would be disclaimed before spewing it.
Making prediction especially when you turn out wrong is an anti-redpill.
Doing it wrong, working for the Cabal
I'll check out the video you linked also, thanks Anon.
Here is the first Joe M.
Have to keep tissues handy when I watch
Second in series
Third in series - Final to date
Yes this is why I go to their article and leave comments discrediting them.
Especially with evidence
No more safe spaces for these vile scum of the earth.
Traitors to mankind
Scary idea.
Fairly certain this was the theme of several sci-fi/horror stories.
What could possibly go wrong?
Response of an elitest mentality