Anonymous ID: f4b171 Jan. 4, 2019, 2:56 a.m. No.4592039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064 >>2127 >>2173 >>2218 >>2700

It's amazing to me how many "people" stop at a symbol. Someone drew a triangle or a pentagram, and these types now believe that they can unravel a group's theological backing from their use of an equilateral triangle.


It's also rather interesting that these same types have forgotten that there isn't just one god and one "devil." The ancient pantheons were much more diverse places where the gods and goddesses were closer to The Justice League than they were anything we consider "a supreme god of creation."


Some gods were quite malicious toward humans. Most distanced themselves… And then you had other gods/titans who seemed to live among man and loved to fuck with the pantheon. Good and evil weren't really subjects of much of the pantheon - loyalties and expressed ideals were.

"If man is not judged by our actions, then how are we deciding who is good, and who is evil?"

"But how can our souls be precious if they are not utilized? If we base our lives purely around Sibyl's oracle and not our own free will, then can our souls have value?

Well… Since I'm here, I guess I'll try testing you, too. Let's put your judgment as a detective to the test."


The buzzwords of "satan" and "lucifer" are constructs employed to destroy intelligent conversation regarding morality. Certainly, evil exists - but this arbitrary "a symbol is evil" nonsense is designed to prompt fear and revulsion at the door.


The spiritual world and its history is far more complex than "there is a good god" and "there is a bad god". The secret societies of the world all have their own beliefs about these things. Just because someone follows a god or practice you do not personally believe - or even believe to be an evil entity - does not qualify what that person actually believes - what it is they do that makes you think they are evil.

Anonymous ID: f4b171 Jan. 4, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.4592078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you want a serious dig, then dig on Greek society.


Pics somewhat related. To understand today in the context of symbols, you must actually research the meaning of the symbols and their history.

Anonymous ID: f4b171 Jan. 4, 2019, 3:14 a.m. No.4592099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103


>>Gods as ETs

Sure, that is certainly a possibility - but it doesn't really change their impact on society and symbolism.

I also think it's a bit of a cop-out, spiritually.

Whatever could cause advanced aliens to argue about and fight with each other using us as proxies is certainly a set of issues we are likely to encounter.

Perhaps we are the aliens - or their successors. We think about a species as being one thing - if they have the ability to modify DNA, then they could, in theory, adapt themselves to almost any environment and produce suitable 'vessels.'

We think of culture in the form of tribes and nations - but perhaps we are literally their children as their form chosen as the adaption to this world, to one day carry on whatever mission they were on. Hence the megaliths intended to last eons.


Kind of spitballing - but whatever the served as the impetus for the ancient pantheons clearly became a sounding board for human ideological issues and debate.