Anonymous ID: 410862 Israel back stabbed Jan. 4, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.4593364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427

US Withdraws

Russia places s400

Syria skies protected by Russian dome

Iran arms it to the teeth

Iran builds nuclear

Tel Aviv gets nuked


Shenkelfag's choices:

  1. Bomb Syria and get in full war with Russia and be wiped off the planet

  2. Wait for Iran to build a nuke and get nuked

  3. Try to destroy Iran nuke program. With s400 in Syria Iran will have early warning system.


Trump comments: "Iran can do whatever they want in Syria"

"Syria is just sand and DEATH"


Preview of what is to come above


Check mate by Trump

Anonymous ID: 410862 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:10 a.m. No.4593494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3516 >>3522


They will do it to themselves

Israel will not be able to control itself seeing a military build up in Syria

Trump invited (the new white hats) sauds who hate Israel to a joint cooperation in Syria, Iran is there Russia, even the Emirates are sending troops in, I believe even Marroco said they will help. At the same time Sauds are arming themselves to the teeth and they are all oprotect by Russia s400 system from Syria can also lock the entire airspace of Israel

The Israeli WILL strike and they WILL get shot down and there will be retaliation that will escalate

In fact they did strike on Xmas w 8 F35 the Russians shot 2 s300 and 1 F35 got shot down that is a preview of what is to come

The War they tried getting us into by nuking the towers on 9/11 is now THEIR war

Trump wins

Check Mate