Anonymous ID: 53d363 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.4593094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Democrats Trying To Restore Funding For Overseas Abortions


House Democrats are reportedly trying to restore federal funding for overseas abortions Thursday in a spending bill that is supposedly designed to end the partial government shutdown.


As the Washington Examiner reports, the legislation is also about providing abortions to third world countries by repealing a Trump administration policy that insists non-governmental organizations agree to not “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.”


That measure, known as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance, has been heralded by pro-life groups as legitimate means of preventing taxpayer dollars from paying for foreign abortions. Trump signed the executive order shortly after his inauguration in January 2017, ultimately putting the policy into place.

It stands in stark contrast to policies of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has made abortion a cornerstone of his government’s foreign aid and actively promoted the policy at last summer’s G-7 summit in Quebec.

Anonymous ID: 53d363 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.4593157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3218

Supreme Court Intervenes In Apparent Mystery Mueller Case


Chief Justice John Roberts stayed a contempt order in a case that likely arose from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation on Sunday night.


Roberts’ order could mark the first time that the Supreme Court has intervened in the Mueller inquiry.


Very little is known of the case, which reached the justices on Saturday, because the matter has proceeded through the federal courts under seal, meaning strict confidentiality prevails over every detail.


The scant facts which are available about the case are these: a grand jury issued a subpoena to an unnamed company owned by a foreign government some time during the summer of 2018. That firm, referred to in court filings as “the corporation” has been fighting the subpoena in federal court since August.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit released one of the few public filings in the matter on Dec. 18. Since the entity is owned by a foreign government, it sought to quash the subpoena under the protections of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. The D.C. Circuit rejected those arguments, and found that the corporation must comply with the subpoena.


The company appealed that decision to the Supreme Court Saturday. The corporation faces a fine for every day that it fails to abide by the subpoena. (RELATED: Roberts Joins Liberals, Thwarts Trump Bid To Enforce New Asylum Rules)


Roberts’ Sunday night decision temporarily halts the non-compliance fines. The Department of Justice must submit a response to the foreign company’s application by Dec. 31.

The chief justice’s order is not a decision on the merits of the dispute, nor is it necessarily significant. The justices often issue a temporary reprieve of lower court decisions — called an administrative stay — while the full court considers how it wants to proceed.


Though Mueller’s connection to the case has not been definitively established, several facts indicate the special counsel’s involvement: CNN saw senior Mueller lawyers return to the Justice Department immediately after the conclusion of a recent secret hearing in the matter — an entire floor of a Washington courthouse was sealed in advance of that proceeding, a highly unusual move.


On a separate occasion, Politico overheard lawyers and court officials discussing this matter with specific reference to the special counsel.


What’s more, Judge Greg Katsas, President Donald Trump’s first appointee to the D.C. Circuit, recused himself from this case. Katsas was a lawyer in the White House counsel’s office in the early days of the Trump administration, where he handled topics bearing on the Mueller probe. During his confirmation hearing, the judge told lawmakers he would recuse himself from cases relating to Mueller’s investigation.


The case has moved through the federal courts at an unusual clip. Very few disputes reach the Supreme Court just four months after they arose in a trial court, as is true here.

Anonymous ID: 53d363 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.4593225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3327 >>3354 >>3424 >>3425 >>3431 >>3484 >>3528 >>3540

BREAKING: Democrats Introduce Bill To Eliminate Electoral College


Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced two bills on Thursday, one to eliminate the electoral college and the other to prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.


A press release from Cohen's office stated that the "senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced two Constitutional Amendments today on the opening day of the new Congress. The first would eliminate the Electoral College and provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States. The second would limit the presidential pardon power by prohibiting presidents from pardoning themselves, members of their families, members of their administrations and their campaign staff."

"In two presidential elections since 2000, including the most recent one in which Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College," Cohen said. "Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office. More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators. It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President.”


"Presidents should not pardon themselves, their families, their administration or campaign staff," Cohen continued. "This constitutional amendment would expressly prohibit this and any future president, from abusing the pardon power."

Cohen wasn't the only Democrat that took action aimed at President Donald Trump on Thursday, as Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) introduced "articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, filing them as his first order of business in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives."


Democrats have long sought a way around the electoral college, which prevents the U.S. from being controlled by major population centers which are Democrat strongholds.

Anonymous ID: 53d363 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.4593266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3492

Jim Webb emerges as candidate for Defense secretary




01/03/2019 07:01 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 53d363 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.4593507   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The FBI is piloting Amazon’s facial matching software—Amazon Rekognition—as a means to sift through mountains of video surveillance footage the agency routinely collects during investigations.


The pilot kicked off in early 2018 following a string of high-profile counterterrorism investigations that tested the limits of the FBI’s technological capabilities, according to FBI officials.


For example, in the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas carried out by Stephen Paddock, the law enforcement agency collected a petabyte worth of data, much of it video from cellphones and surveillance cameras.


“We had agents and analysts, eight per shift, working 24/7 for three weeks going through the video footage of everywhere Stephen Paddock was the month leading up to him coming and doing the shooting,” said FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Christine Halvorsen.


Halvorsen made those remarks in November at the Amazon Web Services re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, where she described how the FBI is using Amazon’s cloud platforms to carry out counterterrorism investigations. She said Amazon Rekognition could have gone through the same trove of data from the Las Vegas shooting “in 24 hours”—or three weeks faster than it took human FBI agents to find every instance of Paddock’s face in the mountain of video.


“Think about that,” Halvorsen said, noting that technology like Amazon Rekognition frees up FBI agents and analysts to apply their skills to other aspects of the investigation or other cases.


“The cases don’t stop, the threats keep going,” Halvorsen added. “Being able to not pull people off that and have computers do it is very important.”


While Amazon is now a significant supplier of technology to the government—much of it through its cloud business, AWS, which includes the CIA and Defense Department as customers—it is less clear how its facial recognition software is being used in the public sector. The Daily Beast reported the company pitched the software to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials last summer, a move that has lawmakers and Amazon employees asking questions. The company does not list any federal clients on its customer page, and currently only identifies as a customer one local law enforcement agency, the Washington County Sheriff Office. According to press reports, the city of Orlando recently began a second pilot of Amazon's Rekognition software.


The FBI did not respond to questions about its use of Amazon Rekognition from Nextgov.The FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software