be careful around here you are not allowed to express your own opinion or for that matter think for yourself…. it's almost become the mirror image of the lefties
oh I was just replying to a post… but there is truth in the post… it was supposed to be declassed months ago… then sent to the IG (which cannot indict only suggest) for clarification on classified intel… which according to Q and actually Solomon/Carter had damaging info on our allies… then we were told can't declass before the election as it would be perceived as election tampering… now it has been two months since the election and it has actually dropped off of the radar totally except around here… so I do have to agree with the original poster… it won't see the light of day or it already would have… I hope he and I are wrong… I really do.. but my gut feeling is turning toward will never see it.. the other comment is strictly about this board and yes anyone with a different view is a shill
big EMP guy… maybe he knows something about Iran and their "satellites" or maybe he is just trying to hawk another book..
turtle has already said DOA
as Reagan said "trust but verify" I still have hope for the plan… I still follow… but I've been on Q's team since Oct 17 and I've seen enough evidence that he is legit and I've seen enough evidence that it's a LARP… therefore faith and hope enter the equation… but Q never once said that we would see the declass only that it would bring down the house… and it all could happen under the radar so to speak… I think a lot of us anons are in need of a visual win at this point… as the military says, you can't keep the point of the spear sharp and ready to go to long until they need to be backed off