Anonymous ID: f1a295 Jan. 4, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.4593045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<Anderson Cooper exposes Trump's false claims in cabinet meetings on "Keeping Them Honest"

>6 Cabinet positions unfilled and POTUS saying, CALM DOWN AND ENJOY THE RIDE

>Compared highly decorated 4-star general to a dog and said he has a "big dumb mouth" and continued spreading lies about the wall, enjoy the ride.

>Cabinet meeting notable for how few actual confirmed cabinet members attended

>"Acting" positions, that's lot of acting considering they aren't on a stage or in a movie, they are in real life.

>Notice the movie-type poster mimicking Game of Thrones' "Winter is Coming" prominent on the table? Why he didn't mention it at all? POTUS spreading lots of lies and half truths; attacking McChrystal and Mattis

>People these days want to stay as close to power as long as they possibly can, enjoy the ride

>POTUS supporting the "Soviet" invasion of Afghanistan

<POTUS: "Russia used to be the Soviet Union but became 'Russia' because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. Why did Russia go into Afghanistan? To fight terrorists invading so why isn't Russia there? Why isn't India there? Why isn't Pakistan there? Why are we there when we're 6000 miles away?"

>"WE" were there because of 9/11. Taliban gave safe haven to Al Qaeda and it's a breeding ground for extremism… it's clear "why" we went but it's arguable if we should remain. To claim 'Russia' went into Afghanistan to fight terrorism is wrong, it was to expand the Soviet Union. Why would any rational president invite new involvement? Enjoying the ride so far?

>POTUS wrote off the people of Syria because they have no loot.

<POTUS: "Syria was lost long ago. It's sand and death, not vast wealth. Sand and death"

>In the past, Trump talked about taking the oil from Iraq, plundering. Also has a habit of equating long time allies to shopkeepers paying protection money and also claims European leaders really like him.

<POTUS: "I will tell you, my relationship is very good. A lot of them don't even understand how they got away with it for so many years. I'll say to Angela, and many others I'm friends with them all, 'How did this ever happen?' and they'll sorta go "I can't believe it either", I'll tell you. Their president and other people in the administration allowed them to get away with not paying.

>Alliances like NATO are not "pay for protection" schemes, it's not hiring a certain cement contractor with ties to the mob so you don't get any union problems on your construction site. It's not like a golf club where there are dues and green fees to pay, agreeing nations pay for a portion of their "own" defense

>POTUS claiming he knows more than the generals, again.

<POTUS: "You have ISIS and the Taliban fighting each other, why get involved? They are both our enemies, let them fight each other, no need to go in and fight both of them thus endangering our men and women. I think I would have made a great general, who knows?"

>POTUS not considering what will come back to bite him. Hasn't learned from the trade wars and sagging market and pushing so many cabinet members away. Enjoy the ride.

>Meeting held in situation room, lots of drama. Pelosi and Schumer interrupting and pushing their bills. POTUS digging in on the no wall money, no deals. No sight of the government reopening any time soon. Enjoying the ride?


You are watching a movie! I feel like there are a fair few coded messages in the segment, I would recommend anons check it out and see what they can pick up.