What kind of "results" was Q supposed to produce, exactly?
you got sawce on that?
And Q was supposed to do… what, in relation to Red October?
>Expose the DS
"Expose" how?
Not even gonna talk about submarines, nukes, or technology?
>and promote white hat propaganda.
Dafuq? kek, seirously, dafuq is that supposed to mean and at what level would you be "satisfied"?
>Use anons for their talents in meme warfare to get the vote.
All we needed was the senate and there was plenty of Q at every Trump rally.
Don't know what you're upset about unless you're falling for the Black Hat/Dem Propaganda.
>I'm not upset
>I support Q and this board,
Interdasting change of tone
>but I see it for what it is.
And then right back to bullshit. Nice.
>Think of it as campaign headquarters,
That's retarded and you should feel retarded.
>opposition research,
Yeah, or not. We're not the DNC nor Fusion GPS. Fuck outta here with that.
>meme and propaganda dissemination
No arguments there.
>to support POTUS.
Go back to r/T_D if that's all you're here for.
how about the Dark Side of Oz, instead?
I got a bunch of his stuff in muh discord archives
Jams to dig by
More yamz to dig by
or out depending on how you view the disparity between latin and american spice pallets.
North Korea Was Bad. China Was Worse.
Macho Ma'am Sandy Ravage
Let's send France a statue when they oust Macron