Anonymous ID: e1b49a Jan. 4, 2019, 8 a.m. No.4593963   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are a ton - and I mean many many many many - of Dem progressives who spent the years of the G W Bush presidency praising the fuck out of Jim Webb.

Search Blue Viriginia (top liberal blog from his home state) or even Daily Kos and y0u will see the usual suspects including Shareblue alumni singing Jim Webb's praises.

Remember, just before the Obama administration they were all anti-war "reality-based" smart guys.

Trump aligning with the Webb agenda is extremely smart.

Matt Yglesisas, Oliver Willis, and their ilk have a big paper trail to that effect assuming it hasn't been all memory holed.

Anonymous ID: e1b49a Jan. 4, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.4594076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4121 >>4206


Maybe you are right but remember, if POTUS is impeached there is almost zero chance he has has a second term.

If you thought the media was against him now, wait until he tries to run for reelection as the only President to try it in American history.

Wait until the federal workforce lines up against him - Nixon's last year in office will looks like a day at the spa in comparison.

So if you think Trump can do everything he wanted in the next year and a half, then giving the Dems the House was a brilliant move.