Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.4597146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7166 >>7223 >>7230 >>7367 >>7379 >>7419

Pelosi: Rashida Tlaib ‘Impeach the Motherf*cker’ Backlash Is Sexist


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested Friday that criticism of freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over her “impeach the motherfucker” remark is driven by sexism and, while she does not condone the Michigan Democrat’s language, she is “not in the censorship business.”


USA Today Washington Bureau chief Susan Page was on hand at the town hall-style meeting, slated to air on MSNBC this evening, tweeting live updates of Pelosi’s discussion with host Joy Reid. Asked whether Tlaib’s’s call for President Donald Trump to be impeached hurts the Democrats’ “hurts the case,” Pelosi replied: “The enthusiasm that our members have helps the case, any case….We try to build our consensus on how we go forward. It doesn’t hurt the cause when people speak the truth.”


https ://

Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.4597197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7227

Nolte: Mitt Romney Silent After Trump Called ‘Hitler’ and ‘Mother f**ker’


My-oh-my, Mr. Decency suddenly has nothing to say. Which is rather bizarre, because it was just a few days ago when Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) stridently assured us, “I will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions.”


And yet here we are, a full day after Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) publicly called the president of the United States a “motherfucker,” and Moral Mitt has remained silent.


Here we are, three days after Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) repeatedly and publicly compared the president of the United States to Hitler, and Wellborn Willard has not said a word.


Not only does the Mighty Mitt mention himself more than a dozen times in his attack on Trump (his first official act as an incoming senator), he promises us that this is about morals and principles, not his own self-interest, which can only mean one thing…


Willard’s silence in the face of these indefensible attacks on our president is not an act of hypocrisy on Mitt’s part, does not prove he is an unprincipled hack, and is not the act of a sniveling sore loser kissing the backside of the very same media outlets that tore him and his family to shreds with lies in 2012…


https: //

Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.4597244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7254

Nolte: Tyrannical Democrats Introduce Bill to Kill Electoral College


Desperate to bring the Tyranny of the Majority to our representative democracy, on the first day Democrats assumed control of the House of Representatives, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) submitted a bill to kill the electoral college.


“In two presidential elections since 2000, including the most recent one in which Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College,” Cohen said in a press release. “Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office. More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators. It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President.”


https: //


Future proves Past !!!

Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.4597349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7418

Donald Trump: Democrats Want to Impeach Me Because They Cannot Win in 2020


President Donald Trump reacted to Democrat calls for his impeachment on Friday, touting his record achievements in the first two years of office.


“How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time?” Trump asked on Twitter, adding, “They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!”


Democrats took power in the House of Representatives on Thursday, boasting that they would impeach Trump.


https: //

Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.4597395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

STEEL WALL 5.6 Billion for Steel Wall

Shutdown for years – Shutdown Savings


TRUMP: I can build wall WITHOUT Congress…


Considers declaring national emergency…

Anonymous ID: 18a44a Jan. 4, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.4597466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shutdown Savings !!!

1 Trillion for DOJ lawyers and Political hacks


Lawyers are the disease

Shutdown Savings are the cure !!!