Anonymous ID: 29c5a0 Jan. 4, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.4597279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7371

>>4595943 pb

Hmm… Shem was Noah's oldest I don't think that he has been concealed as much as Ham or Hem. Ham's offspring is the one that Noah cursed (offspring will be slaves). Ham went into Noah's tent and saw him drunk and naked and blabbed to everyone about it - a big no no of the time. Noah being drunk from the first new wine made after the flood. Canaan was Ham's son that was given to Shem as a slave.

The offspring were also known as the "burnt people"; perhaps, where the darker race came from.

Also, I think that the term "slave" in that time period was more like an "employee" that lived with/near the family. There is nothing in the bible about paid workers/laborers that I'm aware of.


Highly recommend Noah's Ark and the Creation Museum in KY, just south of Cincinnati, OH!