Anonymous ID: 5d7f4f Jan. 4, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.4598011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>If Trump’s trying to make a deal he needs to sit down and talk to us about it because he more than once looked us in the eye and told us that our family members didn’t die in vain. The DACA children aren’t children anymore and they’ve had enough time to work on getting citizenship if that’s what they really wanted. I’m not into let’s make a deal, this isn’t a game show here.


>My thing is Americans first. Nobody had empathy for us when our family members died. We’re permanently separated. The lady that killed my brother did get deported, but that was her wish. It seems everything goes their way all the time and I’ve had enough of it. They shouldn’t be entitled. The benefits of citizenship are a privilege to us as Americans, why should it be given away? I’m torn. Matthew Denice had his whole life ahead of him, Sabine’s son, my brother had just taken retirement and he had so much ahead of him. I’ve been in the presence of these illegals when I’ve testified and they look us in the face like we’re the criminals. No sympathy, no compassion, no remorse from them in any circumstances. They stare us down, it’s disheartening.


>When my brother was killed in Milford, Massachusetts in 2009, three deaths occurred in that town in two years at the hands of illegals. My brother, Andrea Agosto and Matthew Denice. We had legal immigrants there from Portugal that are fantastic, hard workers who are very upset about these illegals trying to get everything for nothing. My grandparents were legal immigrants and all they asked for when they came over was an opportunity, they did it the right way, they did it the way they are supposed to. The only thing that’s changed in eight years since my brother died is the death toll and it’s increased. We were told from the start that there wasn’t a judge in the state that would convict the woman that killed my brother for killing him.