Anonymous ID: aa5230 Jan. 4, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.4597606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7649 >>7659 >>7698 >>7770

To all anons who KNOW that their hearts are deeper than their minds can fathom:

Thank you for your service, persistence and faith.


The proud ignore the simple Truth in the furtherance of their egotistic distractions.

The humble and self-disciplined keep their minds and hearts open to the Source, wading through the rising tide of delusion like true heroes!


Compared to the world projected by the globalist corporate media, the world of open source, anonymous research for the biggest picture we can imagine, is refreshingly real.


It takes all sorts to make this training op work and it IS working!

If the futility and lameness of the shills, trolls and hasbara are not sufficient evidence, have you not noticed how fast your perceptual processes are acting these days?

By only filtering for visually degrading images (brought to you by your local MKUltra breakers and handlers), the mind is trained to sense the ENERGY or INTENTION behind the post.


Those merely pretending to be part of the Great Awakening are having their fun spewing negative energy into this sacred space, all the while pretending that their ego has good reasons to act out like a demon-possessed zombie, instead of self-possessed human being!


Twist your words and thinking however you may, it all boils down to just what you puttin’ down, Willis!


If you are releasing your fear and self-loathing: fail! You are stuck inside a self-image too small!

If you are releasing your love and self-esteem soundly based on being a beloved creation of a Living, Loving, Intelligence: go to the next level anon and Godspeed!


Discerning the distinction is becoming easier, both here AND in real life! Trained intuitive radar is the same life-saving tool used in combat and other chaotically fluid situations.


Thank you to all anons who, by creating and maintaining this life bubble in the middle of hell breaking loose, have sustained a space where minds may lose their balky resistance to seeing reality.


You have your visual attack shills, posting evil images (images presenting anti-life ideas and values) which, despite the power of the mind to screen, directly affect the heart to add weight to the existing demoralizing mind control implants.


You have your pilpul posers, desperately trying to control the narrative with their lame religious belief that dismissive derision is an argument!

You have your baffle-them-with-bullshit, dangling seemingly mysterious copy pasta dogma as if they are contributing to the research for the planetary awakening.


You have your egotists hiding in plain sight, acting as if they are upset as the justification for acting emotionally retarded but really playing the old con game: “I have more passion than you so you must yield to my bullshit!


You have your wannabe anons or those who give lip service to the ideal but insist on posting signature images in every post they make, just so we know they are there by their little identifiers. If anyone needs attention just to get through the day, it is far more effective and gratifying to seek irl, as hard as that is for those introverted for life.


Then you have the core of true hearts, knowing the value of anonymity is not in hiding from the baddies but from the practice of transcending self, using the expanded mind to rise above all the dark shit which has risen to the top of the molten gold like the rejected dross that it is.


If your need to argue exceeds your sense of balance, ego is triggered.

If your need to put down what you see as sincere handicaps, ego is in control.

If you need to assert your ego’s correctness by firing scathing personal attacks, your ego has adopted the tactics and self-justification that the regressive lefttards are programmed to use by their media handlers!


Upside down, inverted is the perceptual mirror in the mass mind…


Every flaming minion gets to fart out preprogrammed “opinions”, lighting them in the process with triggered reactions with NO ACCOUNTABILITY or pushback; this is not civilized discourse, this is the pablum of a totalitarian regime feeding its useful idiots, while the rest of us watch in dissident amazement.


Proud media minions get to express their demonic possession through unconscious verbal assault, whenever they FEEL triggered!

We get to express our self-possession by politely ignoring their infantile fits and walk away, in person or in virtual reality!