Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.4600789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0866 >>0932 >>1133 >>1231 >>1296

Child Sex Abusers Convicted in US Capital Get Lenient Sentences from Judges


Nearly half of all the child sex offenders convicted in the nation’s capital have seen their jail sentences cut in half or suspended since 2000, according to a newly released investigation.


Some of the cases highlighted by RealClearInvestigations were those of Alfred Dockery, who "penetrated" a 14-year-old and whose entire 42-month sentence was suspended by Judge Geoffrey Alprin; of Dominique Annice, who sexually abused a six-year-old child and saw her 2.5-year jail sentence suspended; and John Anthony, who anally raped a 10-year-old and had his five-year sentence suspended after he had been locked up just six months.


The sex of the victims and other details are commonly withheld from the case files reviewed by Real Clear Investigations.


A suspended sentence is a legal term for delaying someone's prison date after they've been found guilty (or pleaded guilty) in order for convicts to serve a period under probation instead. If defendants demonstrate satisfactory completion of the period of probation, judges typically dismiss the initial sentence.


Such lenient sentencing practices are rampant in Washington, DC, according to a Friday report by RealClearInvestigations. Adult criminals who sexually touched kids, an offense carrying a penalty of six months in jail, are not the only ones catching breaks. Offenders whose original sentences lasted several years have had their prison sentences suspended, too, RealClearInvestigations found during a review of 364 case files of convicted sex offenders.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.4600864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disinformation vs Misinformation: Clearing Up Major Errors in the Debate


Among the many issues clouding the debate about Russian disinformation is the terminology that self-styled experts use.


Many journalists, policy shops, consultants, and government officials use “disinformation” interchangeably with “misinformation.” This is an error of carelessness or ignorance that harms public understanding of a serious problem

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.4600901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133 >>1231 >>1296

Corruption Currents: Former Colombian Anticorruption Director Jailed in U.S.


A former Colombian anticorruption director was sentenced in the U.S. to four years in prison after admitting he took thousands of dollars in bribes at a Miami shopping mall from a Colombian politician who was under investigation back home. (MH, AP)


Poland's central bank governor was questioned by prosecutors over a bribery scandal that led to the head of the country's banking regulator. The governor denied any wrongdoing. (Bloomberg)


Peru's attorney general, amid an outcry, reversed a decision to remove top investigators probing government corruption linked to Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht SA. The company disqualified itself from work in Peru, the country's president said. Odebrecht agreed to pay Eletrobras as part of a new leniency deal with Brazilian authorities.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.4600981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133 >>1158 >>1231 >>1278 >>1296

Der Spiegel media scandal proves that corporate-run media celebrates journalists who fake news stories with fabricated sources


What do you have to do to earn accolades as a journalist and win awards? The less disillusioned among us might say you need to be a good and engaging writer who secures authentic sources and shares exhaustively confirmed information with readers. The rest of us know better: All you really have to do is push a liberal agenda with stories that sound believable without letting pesky facts get in the way.


In fact, if the truth doesn’t support the agenda you’re supposed to push, you could always make up a story. That’s what one writer for one of Germany’s most respected publications, Der Spiegel, did – and he won a slew of journalism awards for his efforts before he got caught.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.4601015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1027 >>1051 >>1133 >>1231 >>1296

AP Exclusive: Big jump in US Catholic dioceses naming names


PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Over the past four months, Roman Catholic dioceses across the U.S. have released the names of more than 1,000 priests and others accused of sexually abusing children in an unprecedented public reckoning spurred at least in part by a shocking grand jury investigation in Pennsylvania, an Associated Press review has found.


Nearly 50 dioceses and religious orders have publicly identified child-molesting priests in the wake of the Pennsylvania report issued in mid-August, and 55 more have announced plans to do the same over the next few months, the AP found. Together they account for more than half of the nation’s 187 dioceses.


The review also found that nearly 20 local, state or federal investigations, either criminal or civil, have been launched since the release of the grand jury findings. Those investigations could lead to more names and more damning accusations, as well as fines against dioceses and court-ordered safety measures.


“People saw what happened in these parishes in Pennsylvania and said, ‘That happened in my parish too.’ They could see the immediate connection, and they are demanding the same accounting,” said Tim Lennon, national president of the board of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.4601061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1211

The FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software


The software allows the FBI to go through video surveillance footage much faster than agents can.


The FBI is piloting Amazon’s facial matching software—Amazon Rekognition—as a means to sift through mountains of video surveillance footage the agency routinely collects during investigations.


The pilot kicked off in early 2018 following a string of high-profile counterterrorism investigations that tested the limits of the FBI’s technological capabilities, according to FBI officials.


For example, in the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas carried out by Stephen Paddock, the law enforcement agency collected a petabyte worth of data, much of it video from cellphones and surveillance cameras.


“We had agents and analysts, eight per shift, working 24/7 for three weeks going through the video footage of everywhere Stephen Paddock was the month leading up to him coming and doing the shooting,” said FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Christine Halvorsen.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.4601122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here’s how federal inmates made an Alabama sheriff $1.5 million


The detention center has a federal contract to incarcerate hundreds of undocumented immigrants who face lengthy legal battles over their immigration status and alleged crimes.


Etowah County Sheriff Todd Entrekin runs that jail. And he makes a lot of money doing it.


Earlier this year, he acknowledged that he keeps money budgeted for jail food that goes unspent, saying in a press conference that he kept more than $750,000 between January 2015 and December 2017.


But records show he had already pocketed more than twice that amount.


An review of hundreds of pages of county and sheriff’s office records has revealed for the first time the extent to which Entrekin and the county’s general fund benefited from the federal immigrant-detention contract.


For example, beginning in October 2011, the surplus from feeding federal inmates over the next three years was more than $3 million – half of which Entrekin pocketed and half of which went to the county’s general fund, according to the documents and interviews with county officials.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.4601159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1175 >>1231 >>1239 >>1296

Nuns in India tell AP of enduring abuse in Catholic church


KURAVILANGAD, India (AP) — The stories spill out in the sitting rooms of Catholic convents, where portraits of Jesus keep watch and fans spin quietly overhead. They spill out in church meeting halls bathed in fluorescent lights, and over cups of cheap instant coffee in convent kitchens. Always, the stories come haltingly, quietly. Sometimes, the nuns speak at little more than a whisper.


Across India, the nuns talk of priests who pushed into their bedrooms and of priests who pressured them to turn close friendships into sex. They talk about being groped and kissed, of hands pressed against them by men they were raised to believe were representatives of Jesus Christ.


“He was drunk,” said one nun, beginning her story. “You don’t know how to say no,” said another.


At its most grim, the nuns speak of repeated rapes, and of a Catholic hierarchy that did little to protect them.

Anonymous ID: f3f702 Jan. 4, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.4601274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is interesting ,, Not Trump but a but an unnamed corporation (“the Corporation”) owned by an unnamed foreign state


A Holiday Mystery: Why Did John Roberts Intervene in the Mueller Probe?


A mysterious grand jury subpoena case has been working itself through the D.C. courts since August. Doughty reporting by Politico linked the grand jury case to special counsel Robert Mueller. Some of us, connecting the dots, wondered whether Mueller’s antagonist in this secret subpoena battle might be President Donald Trump himself. Speculation heightened two weeks ago when the D.C. Circuit cleared an entire floor of reporters assembled for the oral argument, in order to protect the identity of the litigants.


Four days later, the D.C. Circuit judges burst the speculative bubble with a decision that halfway revealed the identity of the party litigating against the government: not Trump, but an unnamed corporation (“the Corporation”) owned by an unnamed foreign state (“Country A”). Although the case is still plenty mysterious (What foreign state? What records of what transactions? Why the hard-fought litigation?), the evident fact that Trump was not directly involved in the litigation seemingly drained further proceedings of direct suspense. Mueller watchers headed off for the holidays.