but since schumer is azazel
and azazel believes in a scapegoat right
we have already raised an offering for the culling
named danuel
until we find out modern daniel is a pedo with a cocaine problem
then the azazel jew stuff pops up
trumpburger jew ham goes well with beer whiskey or a red wine
but all this flesh coveting
and spite and smite
and homocucking and pedodykes
draws daniel out like a snake everytime
it's like fake faggot cucks all meditateing on a bunch of fake jew bullshit again and again
must be taxes
bbq bacon trumpburgers are the big seller in north korea right now
5.524983 years
but fuck daniel is a kike drug addict homosexual never prosecuted for crimes
perfect scapegoat for schumer (azazel) in the valley eve at the bottom of avicii
peanut butter feltching junkie also
use more bbq sauce on the trumpburger