Anonymous ID: f7423a Jan. 4, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.4602263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2590 >>2848

Julian Röpcke


19 hours ago, 15 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter


Germany faces the biggest hacker attack in its history.

Private data of almost 1000 German #Bundestag, #Regional Parliament & #EU delegates was leaked.

I worked through the leaked data all night. It's shocking!

Not affected so far: #AfD.

Hacker-Angriff: Daten von Politikern gestohlen und veröffentlicht Bundestag, Parteien, Bands, Moderatoren und Journalisten sind Opfer eines massiven Hacker-Angriffs geworden.


The scale of the attack is unprecedented

Mobile phone numbers, addresses, private family conversations, vacation pictures, bills, communications between politicians, work emails etc. were leaked

In most cases, Outlook was hacked, in some cases also Facebook, Twitter etc.


The leaked data, which was illegally collected until October 2018 and released December 2018, but just found now, is still publicly available.

I searched through it 5 hours last night, read maybe 3%of it and already found cases of corruption and bad political scandals.


It will be thus very hard for journalists to determine what they do with the data now.

We must act responsibly, but we must also not forget that if we do not report accurately on the info in the leaked data, others – right-wing extremists – will do it.

Unique situation.


Also hacked were around 40 German public TV journalists and 10 artists, most of them known for their left-leaning political stance.

Also from the artists, comedians, moderators etc partially very private data was leaked, in some cases nonetheless only mobile number.


You didn’t see me using the word “Russia” so far as there is no evidence for its involvement so far.

But what I can say is that hackers needed months if not years to collect, inspect, categorize and describe the leaked data, pointing at a group of high professionalism.


The fact that the #AfD is not affected by the hacking scandal so far does not mean it is behind it.

My personal evaluation is rather that someone wanted to create exactly this discrepancy and increase political tensions among German Bundestag parties resp. left & right.


The Twitter channel of the hackers - active since 2015 and posting the #BTleaks hacks all over December 2018 - has finally been suspended.


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