Anonymous ID: e1e283 Feb. 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.460460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This article about Nellie Ohr has some interesting information not only about her but some small mentions of Hillary and corruption. Dont know if this is alreay here or not. It is also interesting that this Frank Figliuzi was also at times assigned to white collar crime in silicon valley as well.




Small pull:

"Consider an earlier case with eerie parallels. As FBI Director (2001-2013), Robert Mueller presided over the Bureau’s decade-long counterintelligence operation known as “Ghost Stories,” which targeted the deep-cover ring of Russian “illegals” mentioned above. In June 2010, the FBI netted this ring of covert Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) operatives, which was successfully boring into elite circles, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s — and then sent them packing ASAP to Mother Russia.


Why? All of the available evidence strongly suggests that this painstaking FBI work of a decade was thrown away to protect Hillary Clinton, the once and future presidential candidate, who was at risk of being compromised. As FBI counterintelligence chief Frank Figliuzzi put it: “We were becoming very concerned they were getting close enough to a sitting US cabinet member that we thought we could no longer allow this to continue.”


They also mention Rosatom, rennaisance bank and uranium one.