Anonymous ID: c22061 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.4603194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indian Nuns Detail Systematic Abuse From Priests


Nuns across India spoke with The Associated Press about the repeated abuses that sisters have suffered over decades at the hands of priests.

Cultural derision for women who leave their missions, veneration of church hierarchy, and taboos concerning sex, forced or not, have driven many abused nuns to stay silent.

One nun recently broke the mold of silence, bringing accusations of rape against a bishop that eventually led to his arrest. Her public outcry has exposed not only abuse, but also the very real threats that keep most nuns in fearful silence.


The arrest of Catholic Bishop Franco Mulakkal for allegedly raping a nun has sparked an outpouring of testimonies from nuns across India of systematic clerical abuse.


Several Indian nuns spoke with The Associated Press on condition of anonymity and detailed personal accounts of sexual abuse and rape from priests and the hardships they endured in the face of reportedly little to no support from Catholic Church hierarchy. The nuns, and approximately 24 other individuals with direct knowledge of abuse, spoke of serial rapes, forceful sexual contact, and a culture of taboo and silence within the Indian church that has veiled the scale of the problem, according to AP’s investigation.


“It’s a fear of being isolated if I speak the truth,” said a nun who reportedly endured attempted sexual assault by a drunken priest, according to AP. “If you do that, you have to go against your own community, your own religious superiors.”


The nun said she experienced abuse in her early 20s in the 1990s, during a retreat that she attended in New Delhi with fellow nuns before the renewal of their vows.


“We take one week off and we go for prayers and silence,” she said.

Anonymous ID: c22061 Jan. 4, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.4603216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3289 >>3402 >>3558 >>3622

First Session Of The 116th Congress Just Held On January 3, 2019 – Group Of Republicans Side With Dems.


I am concerned about Republicans deserting President Trump to side with the Democrats. At the present time, it is about the government shutdown. President Trump says until he gets the money for the border wall, the government will continue with the shutdown. We must remember that was one of his campaign promises, and he has tried to keep those to the American people.


He just finished a speech in which he stated most of the American people want the wall, and I know he is right. I do! We have a responsibility to keep our Country sovereign, but the Dems are moving to give it to the illegal aliens. I am concerned they are going to succeed.


The first session of the 116th Congress was just held in Washington on January 3, 2019. How did it go?


What occurred that you might be concerned about, as the Dems sink their newly sprouted claws into President Trump and the American people? They are riding high now, and Pelosi is the golden girl who has taken Hillary’s place.


When I listen to her talk, she never makes sense. She stumbles through her newly declared power, but she does not have to be the smartest Dem on the block. Who she has behind her – like Adam Schiff and Robert Mueller are the ones who will run this Country with her as Speaker of the House.


The Dems are already taking measures to protect the Mueller probe, but we do have a win on our side. A Judge ruled that Dr. Jerome Corsi’s lawsuit will go forward, even as Mueller is demanding it be halted. We all should be praying for Dr. Corsi and his attorney, Larry Klayman.