if not a crisis actor, surely a media whore… wants to be in the picture, wants to make name!
have thought about that… but chances are that he isn't a good one… we can't be sure… it would be great if true, but if not, … you see where i came from? have thought about it…
but fact is it talks a lot nicer without the idiot isn't it…
http:// thehill.com/policy/national-security/358339-uranium-one-deal-led-to-some-exports-to-europe-memos-show
To Cruz, the campus’ sun-splashed courtyards were a dark place where he was mocked and ridiculed for his odd behavior, according to interviews with close family friends, students and recently released police and mental health reports.
“Someone could have approached a faculty member, a guidance counselor, a teacher and said, ‘This kid gets bullied a lot, someone should do something,’ ” said student Manolo Alvarez, 17, who had history class with Cruz. “I regret definitely not saying anything.”
http:// www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article200754714.html