lay off the gay multiple question marks and
exclamation points faggot
Listen up here faggots and read this
>The Jews attempt is to create a non-white underclass and then use propaganda and instruct this non-white underclass to attack the Whites and at the same time move America into Communism due to the extreme welfare dependence of this non-white underclass.
This pattern has already occurred in South Africa and the Whites there are now being genocided by the Communist government which is now run by all blacks and has been moved by the blacks into Communism. Prior, the South African government was run by all Whites and South Africa was Capitalist and one of the richest countries in the world, and now that the blacks control it it is Communist and one of the poorest.
Apparently Fox News Live doesn't have closed captioning or subtitles, BUT they do have recent news with CC.
Here's a search that will give you quite a few recent Fox news videos.
Also, if you need to find videos that do have CC, you can go to youtube, click "filter" (top right) and check subtitles/CC. All the videos you can watch will show up. When you open the video, go the bottom right of the player window and check the CC for subtitling.
Hope that helps.