Morning anons and ty for all you are doing…for some that do not understand the nuances of the FDA and how they provide a barrier for entry for new medicines with big pharma…deal with this almost every day…was writing a response to an email and thought this captured it pretty well…and do feel cannabis the back breaker for the FDA if it does not happen before…when the FDA breaks..a bunch of new medicines will show up…alot of things that can be addressed by nutrition that are thought of as pharma problems now…like mood/cognition/inflammation/pain/diseases of inflammation like diabetes, autoimmune, etc ALL are addressable and solvable with FOOD. This is no gimmick and currently being studied at a major U…
Here is the problem the FDA has…first what does the FDA do? It Allegedly protects you, the consumer, from bad actors. Generally it protects you from bad actors making claims about their products. My snake oil cures cancer! That type thing. It also provides a nice BARRIER. In order to make a "claim" about a product, a company must first "prove" that claim. This usually involved millions of dollars for clinical trials…"according to our clinical studies our snake oil did kill cancer!"..millions of dollars and years later you can now go out and make that claim…yea snake oil! However, that "club" limited to only a few as it is SO expensive to do clinical trials under FDA auspices.
Lets say you are an herbal supplement company (have some experience with this BTW ;-) ) and you discover some miracle plant that you think does kill cancer! You try it on a few folks and it works! You try it on more and it still works! Eureka! You can now tell the world you have solved the cancer issue and you can help millions!! But no, you cannot. You cannot because as soon as you say your new herb EFFECTS THE HUMAN BODY OR HELPS WITH A DISEASE STATE the FDA will come for you. Where are your clinical trials? Back up your "claims". So, you have a miracle new herb that you cannot talk about or advertise AND the FDA suing you for millions because of your "false claims". Good luck with that…and another wonderful drug/food/nutrient/solution dies…
Now the cannabis conundrum…oh how the FDA and big pharma hate cannabis…because you have states saying: "it is a valid medicine and should be treated as such". Basically you have state governments making "claims" that cannabis is a viable and needed medicine. Will the FDA sue every state with a medical program for claiming cannabis has medicinal effects without clinical trials? In order not to show bias, they will have to! Cannabis will BREAK the FDA if it does not break of its own weight before hand.
If people only knew how many "miracle" and no gimmick things have been kept from the market because of FDA BS they would have a pitchforks and torches party on the FDA lawn…