Ex Cia Journalist Udo Ulfkotte
Udo Ulfkotte Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News (aka Bought Journalists).
“Ulfkotte was an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, when he published Bought Journalists, the bestselling book that cost him his job and perhaps his life.”
Article relevance: CIA, Fake News, anti Russian Narrative
https:// www.activistpost.com/2017/01/reporter-udo-ulfkotte-exposed-governments-creating-fake-news-war-propaganda-found-dead.html
RT Video relevance: specifics on how he worked for the CIA in the past, fears of war incited by press/CIA
https:// youtu.be/aIaFkR9uriU
Article relevance: CIA, Fake News, anti Russian Narrative, Trump, book suppressed, good links in the footnotes re other book suppressions by other journalist whistleblowers exposing CIA news involvement.
https:// www.globalresearch.ca/english-translation-of-udo-ulfkottes-bought-journalists-suppressed/5601857
JAN 13 2017 Ex CIA journalist Udo Ulfkotte age 56 “heart attack” just as meeting scheduled with Trump (from Reddit post). I found confirmation of a Trump meeting scheduled in this post, not sure how reliable the source is (Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin as reported by Sorcha Faal).
“Top German reporter Udo Ulfkotte who this past year shockingly revealed that all Western mainstream media is completely fake (“We all lie for the CIA”) and was banned from Facebook this past July for his exposing the plot behind Chancellor Angela Merkel’s flooding his nation with Islamic radicals, this report continues, had been summoned by President-elect Trump for a private meeting—but when he failed to make his Friday evening (13 January) flight to New York City, was shortly thereafter discovered dead in his home—and that German authorities promptly ruled was due to a heart attack, conducted no autopsy, and then quickly cremated his body.”
http:// www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2211.htm
I consider Ulfkotte’s death in January 2017 suspicious because of his expose book on CIA coupled with the fact that same day of his death from an alleged heart attack Wikileaks tweeted that no present staff have conditions which could lead to sudden death.
After researching this man in January 2017 I immediately pre-ordered the English version of his book Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News from Amazon. At the time I ordered the book it was scheduled for release in the spring of 2017. My order was never fulfilled, and no English version of the book apparently has ever surfaced.
If any German speaker can get their hands on a German version of his book (German title is Bought Journalists) we might get more clues and insights into how and by whom the fake news is generated. If Ulfkotte worked with CIA in past, he perhaps knew how to expose their Russia Russia Russia narrative, and then he conveniently died.