trump turns in to a car polisher on the other side
wax on
wax off
trump turns in to a car polisher on the other side
wax on
wax off
and then the pelosi tranny did a bunch of coke to fit in with the warren tranny and then trump was winning it;s battle with buttsex and then scientology offered bilbos that vibrated like the hobbit larps of speed and then mueller showed up and then everyone leaked and then tranny shitposts from lynn and stale tits
and then lynn's cabbage was afraid of the scientology bilbo vibrator cause it had too many assholes to choose from
and then this silly putty pedo stock photo rubbed up to this other silyl putty stock photo and said dumb queer shit to sound like it knew it was cia and that it wasn't high on cocaine
and then hogg boy showed up with proof of tranny addiction and showed lynn trannys and lynn's cabbage was brave enough to venture to mordor with scientology vibrators and all four of it's assholes
and then all these strange fake jew devils showed up and proclaimed themselves deductions and exemptions and waved around foreskins and bacon sandwiches and did massive rails of cocaine
and the border wall combed shit and never found that trillion dollar cocaine market of the thule hogg cult nor the trump taxes nor could feel their face by the end of shift
and then they combed their desert up their nose after shift with some coronas
and they had los zetas come over with dos equis and they combed again and again into the morning
and then trump threatened a combover and that it was ms-13's fault
donde esta cocaine putos
but then kashyioggi decided to drive the rv for rey
but dogg boy was some weird breeding experiment the bush family was into
so they decided to throw a dime bag and some barbies at lynn for some stfu tranny time
butt fuck lynn's quadruple asshle genital problem scared all the bearded drag queens and only the weirdest of trannys
turns out it was the space jews
what a waste of chimera
been lineing up future ass since the donnie darko days