anti jew shitposters
she is YOUR GAL
be proud
like eating a taco
not personally they didnt
the ordered it
and you say bush ordered a copy for himself on a thumb drive?
not the way things are done
doesnt sound right to me
lawfag here
the docs are a nothing burger
just litigation shit about who pays what fromwhich imsurance and how they can all pin it on somepublic entity to get their money back
said it before
nothing hsas changed
distraction waste of time
the pleadings set the scope
i read them
there will be no "you will findout who knocked down the towers" unless POTUS keeps his promise
yeah thas right
odd thing i was on law review
didnt like it then neither
but i prospered in spite
on the other hand my court filings are marvelous
> 2 posts, 2 theories, many yous, noms Anons Dark Overlord theory, German hackathon theory
lawfag here
really not notable baker
the docs are nothing at all -
the ONLY notable thing is another attempt to place the bill at the foot of the us taxpayer
please include this link