I almost bought one today. Double loader tube. Holds 25 rounds. Nice shotgun. 1100 bucks.
Wonder why Melania is codenamed Muse?
Lots of celebrities and music entertainers believe they have a muse too. Look into it.
She is more than inspirational for Trump. Something about her tells me,she is pulling more than just Trumps dick. She has a bit of power over him I'm guessing. Maybe in a good way. Catholic though.
You fire them yet? How's the recoil? And yup. 50 shorts.
People on here actually watch hannity? Why?
I stopped watching any television 2 years ago.
Those who do are watching the movie.
I am reading the script.
I know speculations are rarely notable,but we could get a timeline on that darklord shit and Bush
Not never. Theories and speculation are sometimes notable.
Call it a theory. Can get some digs on it