Was digging on this last night… Another possibility for sanctions.
Anagram of Sanctions = Canonists
Canonists - a person who is a specialist in canon law.
Canon law is the name for the Catholic Church's order and discipline, structures, rules, and procedures. The Catholic Church has two Codes: one for the Latin Church and one for the Eastern Catholic Churches.
The code is divided into seven books:
1- General Norms
2- People of God
3- Teaching Office
4- Sanctifying Office
5- Temporal Goods
6- Sanctions
7- Procedures
http://www.diocese-tribunal.org/canonlaw.php (history of canon law)
https://www.catholicfidelity.com/resources/code-of-canon-law/book-vi-sanctions-in-the-church/ (sanctions)
Book VI is on Sanctions in the Church. This is the Church’s criminal law. It sets out the authority the Church has to punish crimes, who can be punished, what crimes may be punished, and what the penalties are for those crimes. It may surprise many people to find this in the Code of Canon Law, but every institution has disciplinary regulations. However, in our law, the goals are to repair scandal, restore justice and reform the offender. So there is more to it than simply punishing crime.
What is a Church Tribunal?
Church law (also referred to as canon law) requires every
diocese in the Catholic Church to have a tribunal. In the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the Metropolitan Tribunal is the
agency that handles judicial matters, specifically the application
of canon law and the protection of rights. It is a responsibility of
tribunals to conduct penal trials when it is believed that, under
canon law, crimes might have been committed.