Last bread. "Sauce" classic example of chaos creation. Called people liars and shitposted the entire bread. Brock is paying some new shitheads to reek havoc. Does not matter. We are winning and will continue to win.
Stop talking bad about jews. This triggers us.
It is the "Hotel De Do You Own Fucking Research" This is your last freebie you lazy fuck.
I wonder why this cunt gets away without wearing the hijab like the brother marrying muzzie
If ignoring a goat fucking bunch of mud people makes me uncultured, I'm down with being uncultured.
No - actually been here all night. There is only one shift motherfucker. You don't belong here.
This is not a fucking search engine. You should go back over to fakeberg and post your ignorant questions there. Lots of people enjoy helping the retarded there. It's easy, try it soon.
It is the Hotel De Ville. Easily found with this brand new invention called a reverse image search. Also, you can find all kinds of information on a newly invented thing called the World Wide Web. When you get done with that rabbit hole, check out sliced bread. ITS FUCKING AMAZING!!!
I have two bachelor's from two different Top 20 schools, and a MBA from Ole Miss.
Ignorant? How about I don't give a fuck about Muzzies and their fucked up cult?
Have some bacon and chill you goat fucking raghead.
I know that the newfags that showed up once Q went viral have appropriated this board and think they know shit. They have made up all kinds of new definitions and sayings and think they own the place. Guess what - some of us were here (chans) loooooooooong before some "gubbermint" insider posting cryptic shit on an image board. Some of us convinced PitBull to head to Alaska. Some of us got Mountain Dew to admit Hitler was right.
You new fuckers don't know a fucking thing. Been here minutes and think this is your home. Have some fucking respect for the ones who made this whole fucking place possible.
Yep. Low educated owner of 6 LLCs and employer of 168 people. Did about $14MM in business last year. Good luck.
Check this faggot out. Just a faggot. (Sauce)
How do you know I have not donated?