I am not AT ALL on board with the VP now same as GHWB under Reagan, however, Potus recently dropped a sound bite about being concerned about the Office of the Presidency when he was speaking about the flight into Iraq on Christmas day overnight. Also, "define a hostage" and "forced to MAGA or else" -still not on board with Pence DS but there ya go. Critical thinking in spite of personal bias.
This not mine but from last weekend
I think we are on to a new movie now. Sanctions a done deal and now movie 2, this
An early filter by name hides it for the whole bread lol
These odd bits were being dropped in last night's bread by poster with no comments. Read many of them but no idea if they were from the German hack or no. Spoopy and shut my brain down temporarily
I filter. Don't need junk in my brain. I just stick to research generally.
Saw this piece yesterday for the first time. Shifted my thinking on Huma to being the star-maker. Not long after this, relatively speaking, Barb getting married in rush hush ceremony and placing hand over grand pappies heart and flashing her nips all over the place. The Feed Bag Bush photos with Huma, too. Recently she was photographed with Georgina Chapman in some photog scrum. Follow Huma, indeed.
Love love love it, anon!
Lotta digs on board from the earlier Fall caravan re: Southwest Key
AOC is a pop culture famefag with a developing cultish following that is following her internet penetration. That was AOC tolling us/Q, not being /ourgirl. Her brothers "art" posts owls/elephants/eye -Gabe Cortez
On anothe AC note, Gloria Vandb lived a 10 Gracie Pl for a long time. So did Obama during college. So did Madame Chiang Kai Shek
The WHEEL. Slush fund. Feeder.