Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.4607770   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7788 >>7845 >>7896 >>7926


It honestly should've been more obvious long ago.


Especially after Trump banned all Q merchandise from his rallies. If Q is someone with authority, then Q is working for the other side, trying to keep a lid on the conspiracy theorists.


/pol/ figured out his game within a few days and chased him off to here

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.4607833   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7855 >>7875 >>7881 >>7895 >>7915 >>7978 >>8006 >>8050


>you must trust Q

>you must believe Q

>you must give yourself to Q

>if you trust POTUS, you must do this


sounds like kike intimidation, fuck you. I can support POTUS without supporting your shitty psyop. I can read and figure shit out for myself, without having some random internet larp/psyop tell me what to believe.


I dont need some larp to tell me that the moon landing was real when I know its fake.


I dont need some larp to tell me to follow the random jersey t-shirts with the #17 on it! ooo so coooL!


I dont need some larp to send me in circles telling me to look into Merkel and her non-existing connection to Hitler


I dont need some larp to further the project bluebeam agenda with their alien hype bs.


I dont need some larp sending me in circles PERIOD when we all know the root problem is the communist Jews of Israel/US.


You know what "Q Proofs" really doodles my noodles? The ones where he predicts terror attacks…. but doesnt do anything to prevent them from initiating. Almost as if he and the people around him are incompetent and cant stop terrorists before it happens? Despite knowing about it in advance, or so it seems…. Is Q really the good guy? Because for a guy who claims to be good, he sure likes to keep the truth from people.


And if you buy the "We are saving Israel for last" you are a big fool.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.4607936   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7941


Grown? Like how POTUS banned all Q merchandise from his rallies and refused to allow people with Q shirts?


There is no proven connection between POTUS and Q, besides the tons of confirmation bias.


AND EVEN IF THERE IS A CONNECTION… even IF Q is someone with high clearance… you really think that makes them trustworthy?


What has Q been doing besides having you run around in circles, telling you to TRUST EVERYBODY, fucked up about Huber, fucked up about Sessions and fucked up with the AF1 picture which was photoshopped and exposed and then Q claimed he was just "trolling" to save face.


If Q is high level, hes black hat. Hes keeping a lid on the conspiracy theorists, by throwing them red herrings and never giving them the actual truth or pointing them to research the actual truth about whose really behind it all… truth about the holocaust, truth about 9/11… we dont see none of this shit from Q.



^ i feel sorry for the people who believe this. This is exactly what someone who doesnt want you looking at Israel would say. Its a way to give comfort to those second guessing. Its all psyop tactics. Probably straight from Mossad.


Mossad lackeys like Corsi (pic related) were pushing QAnon for a long time until the walls started closing in from the actual investigation.. (Roger stone, alex jonesstein, and others will also be going to prison). Although Q is distancing himself, Q and Corsi were likely very much working in unican.


You'll also notice Q change his tune. Q trashed Mueller in the past and made it seem like he was going… then when we find out Flynn flipped and is working with Mueller (and we know he didnt flip on Trump), Q once again changed his tone with Sessions gone, it went back to Mueller being the guy to bring it all down (which is true, but Q doesnt want to admit this because Mueller is going after big guys like George Nader, John Podesta, and co… not to mention folks in the media through the recordings of Michael Cohen.




Q is fucked.

Israel is fucked.

Bibi is fucked.

Mossad is fucked.

Jonestein is fucked.

Roger Stone is fucked.

Jerome Corsi is fucked

Ben Shapiro is fucked

Steve Bannon is fucked


these are all people working for israel/mossad directly or indirectly. And they will all be dealt with when Mueller's investigation wraps up

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.4607949   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8141


/pol/ is the truth channel, the board that fought hte meme war and the autists who went through Podestas emails.


/pol/ got Trump elected. Pre-2016 /pol/ was far different than post-2016 /pol/. After Trump came along, /pol/ got infested with T_D normie cuckservatives.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.4607994   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8002 >>8004 >>8252


>Israel is being saved until last.


What a fool you are to actually believe that.

Save Israel for last… and what does Q promote in the mean time? Regime change for Iran.


While (((Q))) was promoting regime change for Iran, /pol/ was telling you faggots that Trump was gonna turn on Israel, and leave Iran alone ultimately.


(((Q))) is probably in panic mode, and Trump continues to flush out the neo-con/israeli first policies that people like Q promote.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.4608021   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8204 >>8283


Thats my point.


Q was saying basically the opposite. Q promoted regime change in Iran, then weeks later Mattis and Bolton both came out and said Trump's administration was NOT looking for regime change.


Q was promoting the Oded Yinon plot, the overthrow of Iran…. for who???? not for the US…. for ISRAEL.


/pol/ said long ago that Trump would not do anything to Iran, and would turn on Israel…. and faggots on here were like "REGIME CHANGE FOR IRAN!!!" "SAVE ISRAEL FOR LAST"

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.4608067   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8163


The same reason I waste my time on any board posting truth.


I'm here to hopefully wake people up and point them in the right direction rather than let them continue to run around in circles. I was with Q during the whole CBTS shit when it first started, but after a little while it became clear to me what it was.


We all have the same common enemy. Q is just trying to have everyone run around in different directions. Truth is always simple.


Why doesn't Q just come out and tell everyone the Holocaust was fake news? And that 9/11 was done by israel? Why has Q never once hinted or pushed anyone in the direction of anything that would lead to Israel being the culprit. The only thing we have heard is "Trust everybody, save Israel for last"

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.4608114   🗄️.is đź”—kun


… more non arguments.


You realize those who have above 60 IQ and are observing can see through your bullshit?


You need to counter my points and tell me why I am wrong if you want to convince me of anything.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.4608168   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8234


Did you read my post? I clearly made a distinction between pre-2016 /pol/ and post-2016 /pol/.


/pol/ created r/The_Donald during the meme war as a way to push out far right memes into the normie world. r/The_Donald got taken over, and the original /pol/ mods were removed and replaced and as r/The_Donald grew, most of the new people went to /pol/.


/pol/ was largely National Socialist board during the time of the Trump election and long before then. After the election, it became half NatSoc/half Paleoconservative.


r/The_Donald faggots really ruined the culture there. Most of the faggots that ruined the culture there are the same faggots that post in here who think they are so woke yet suck jew cock 24/7 meanwhile they only learned what a chan was because of Q.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.4608201   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8280


>Do you think israel doesnt have a deep state?


You fucking moron. Israel IS the deep state. They were created by the Rothschild, its not your biblical Israel. Its a fake abomination kike created Israel and you are an obvious jew.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.4608253   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Ohhhhhhhh okay


so its like the "I was just trolling" thing huh?


You know how psyops work? If i were making a psyop, I would say something as stupid as "Disinformation is necessary" so my stupid cult like followers forgive all the 10000342739827394 future mistakes I make.


Do you not see how this is one big social engineer?


Your argument would be fine, if we were ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING AGAINST THE TRUE ENEMY, yet Q still refused to name them. And you are ok with trusting EVERYBODY and just taking in all information even if its disinfo?


Are you okay with believing the moon landing was real? Or is that disinfo from Q? Whats the point of that AMA he did if he is a disinfo machine?


This entire thing is fishy and "saving Israel for last" is not good enough, sorry. If Q wants me on board, he has to convince me hes not a psyop. I'm not new to their trickery.


Why so hellbent on following Q like a cult anyway? Why cant you think for yourself? Why do you need someone dropping 'bread crumbs', when most of the things hes dropping are public information that most of us can look up…. the only difference is, the stuff Q drops leads you into everything BUT Israel….. really makes you think

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.4608282   🗄️.is đź”—kun


It still is, though its asleep/dormant. theres just not much for the autists to assemble and do. During 2016 we had the wikileaks podesta emails and stuff, required assembled autism.


/pol/ still gets together when they need to put the weaponized autism to use… but theres not much to do nowadays? Everyone knows everything is kiked up the ass.


We got Trump elected. Now we wait and see if hes gonna throw out the kikes or not. We dont need Q sending us in different directions about moon landings and Merkel/Hitler connections and stupid shit like that.


We already know what the root problem is and we know who to look at when shit goes bad.

Anonymous ID: 8a95e2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.4608326   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8354


No, fool. Iran is fighting CIA assets and Israeli/Mossad assets. Iran does not have a rothschild central bank.


The whole point of regime change in Iran is to install a puppet dictator (the last of Israel's enemies on the Oded Yinon plot), install a central bank and finish off greater israel.


If you havent figured it out by now, like we mentioned MONTHS ago… Trump is going to leave Israel to hang as FISA is declassified. the withdrawal is part of the process. Declass will show that Israel framed Trump in an insurance policy using FBI informants whom were Russian Jews (using Russia as a proxy)… in order to be able to remove Trump in case he were to win.


That will come out… 9/11 truth will come out.


Trump will allow Israel to be surrounded by all sides, and brought to submission. The space force will be used to shut down their Samson Option


The whole reason why Trump hasnt acted already is becasue Israel holds the world hostage with the Samson Option.


Trump, Xi and Putin (and Iran and Syria) are going to be the ones to bring the Jews to submission.


Fuck Israel

Fuck Bibi Netenyahu

God Bless Assad

God Bless Putin

God Bless Trump