Was the mess in Syria sparked by Libia? - Tucker Carlson 1/3/19
Part 1
>Gen. Flynn's DIA knew everything about what was going on in Benghazi. The Behghazi attack and ousting Qaddafi caused the mess in Syria.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
Tucker: Well the war on terror has been going on for more than 17 years now and every year America seems to intervene in another country, but for some reason ever allowed to declare victory and go home. take for example America's involvement in Syria. New documents from the Obama administration show that the roots of America's involvement there were caused directly by our intervention in Libya - the one that destroyed the regime for no obvious reason in Muammar Qaddafi. Tom Fitton, the president Judicial Watch in who joins us tonight.
So Tom, this is one puzzle piece that I've been waiting to locate for a long time and it answers a question in part, why were all those Americans in Benghazi in the first place? And it looks like they were part of or witness to arms movements from Qaddafi stockpiles to rebels in Syria am I misstating this?
Fitton: No you're not mistating it. We have DIA documents that we obtained in 2015 showing in 2012 our defense establishment was telling everyone else in the Obama administration that weapons were flowing from Benghazi into Syria, that we were supporting the terrorists in Syria, and they were also warning that between the border Syria and Iraq you had the major armies pulling back and into that gap, they warned Isis might emerge and establish a Caliphate - have dire consequences for the region. Everything was on the table and it was all it looks like started because of the collapse the Gaddafi regime.
Tucker: That what we precipitated
Fitton: October 2011 up until September 2012, which was the attack on Benghazi our special mission compound, we knew arms are flowing out. We knew it down to the number of shells, sniper rifles, and such going out so we had enough information to know that level of detail, you can bet we had enough information to stop it.
Tucker: Well speaking for myself I had no information as an American citizen and that's what bothers me so we killed or helped Qaddafi get overthrown, oversaw his death, and then helped move arms from his country to the next country and fed this horrible civil war what up at the hands of lunatics. Our money in our name and we had no idea this was going on why.
Fitton: Well exactly right and this is why it was important to talk about these documents again as the President is making these decisions about Syria. It shows that he had quite the mess that was left to him by the Obama administration an administration that evidently did not exist according to the major media because they don't want to report on any of its policy choices in the Middle East in the Middle Eastern region, and it looks like Benghazi and the Libyan mess caused a Syria war and President Trump's being blamed
Tucker: I'm asking Republican leaders of Congress about this at the time. Are we overseeing arms shipments from Libya to some nutcase group in Syria and all of them kind of look like I don't know what that and they were lying. Like both parties knew this was happening they lied.
Fitton: We were watching them Hillary Clinton was told about them. We were warned about the fact that you had the Isis emerging in the Middle East
Tucker: yeah
Fitton: We were supporting a terrorist in Syria and we're not allowed to talk about it anymore because the President Trump is making decisions
Tucker: Thank you for for tying that piece up and I hope …
Fitton: Quickly, know who ran DIA at the time? General Mike Flynn.