Anonymous ID: 91c5c2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.4608409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8423 >>8428 >>8600 >>8735 >>8941 >>9057

Hands on Deck


Warning: Extremely Disturbing Content


In my most recent pizzagate digs; I have uncovered some really disturbing "clear net" sites. Relevant to what POTUS stated, they are using the internet indiscriminately to commit these crimes against humanity.


As disturbing as it is there is much to learn about the enemy but at the same time can not have a clear conscience knowing these sites are still operational and perpetrators untouched. There is new slang, codes, and abbreviations that can be entered into the DuckDuckGo search engine and receive clear net CP sites.

Jewel Basket = JB/JB = Jail Bait

HeBe = ?

NN/NN LS= Non Nude

144 chan

155 chan

180 chan

JB Forums

Just like we built a chan around Q and are using it to work together and weed out corruption. They are doing the same but only to hurt children and share trophies of their crimes. Some of the post are possible pediatric pedo doctors; they are wearing hidden body cams and sharing voyeur videos.

The Board Owner is running a JS CoinMiner 55 malware on the Chan's that traces to bot nets in the Netherlands. To sum it up the Board Owner is planting malware on the devices of Board Users to highjack their Networks and use them to mine crypto currency. Any LEO here use caution and layers of insulation.

I reported the site to the FEDs several times but they are still operational as of 01/05/19

Below is a link to the Federal Internet Complaint tip site. Help Report and remove these sites from the internet and hopefully arrests will come of it. Further note; I am not responsible for any diggers that may want to investigate these sites for any leads to more sites and crimes. The content is truly disturbing to the point of insomnia. God bless.

Anonymous ID: 91c5c2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.4608469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your either a retard or a pedo. I spammed it cuz I am trying to get help reporting it. So if your not going on to the fed complaint site, then fuck off and be complicit. It's obvious YOU don't know what I am talking about. Would Q research be on 8ch if there wasn't a Q?

Anonymous ID: 91c5c2 Jan. 5, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.4608507   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, these clear net sites are not honey pots… You can also go on DDG and type family nudism and there is nudist colonies selling photo sets of children