Anonymous ID: c38ecf Jan. 5, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.4608940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9032



Correct imo. We have all of the pieces of the map as indicated by Q's last two shitpost markers.


A couple of key things to always remember:


We have it all (and more than we know), which means "hey stupid, just look for it"


News unlocks map, and the post markers are now frame sequence markers for "the movie we are watching" (also indicating that all of this is scripted, and that Q [team] is the director in "Control".


Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. as in look at the yellow vests…. the physical manifestation of everything Q represents. Power back to the people. Flush the controllers out for the devils that they are. No one with any positive moral compass would treat any fellow human these ways. Remember why our founders left England? Because freedom is instilled in our DNA. Who ever said "I like to be told what to do 24/7!" It is illegal to live "off the grid" in many places. Why? Their "Control", thats why. Power restored to the people, no longer slaves to the money machine.


Since the beginning, it was supposed to be a fight for children, somewhere in between we have muddled it with our own selfish needs. Frankly, those in trouble here are being taken down because their selfishness clouded their judgement. Don't make the same error. There is no 'I' in this movement, although the fight is for individual rights and freedoms.


The sick plot is apparantly the "Red Line" for the Q team, makes me wonder what would be "habbening" right now if the pedo-trafficking plot didn't exist. Trust but verify, even if Q must be doxxed to do so.


The MSM has been called out and proven to not be what John Q Public expected them to be. Our fight should be to push factual information to the public, to help prepare JQP for what is already scripted out. Leave your opinions at the door, they are distractions. Let people SEE the info and judge for themselves, which is EXACTLY what Q afforded us. Freedom to decide.


So much more in my head right now but its already past TLDR. Fight, Patriots. The Good Fight.