they then give all the expired cans, out of date food to the actual people.
A few times over the years,people in my family have had to on occasion get some help with food, to make it through the month.( thanks Obama)
funny story
One of the boxes we got one time was cheese scallops by Kraft, and i noticed the box said new.
I was like wtf, they have had those around for a really long time.
I checked the box more carefully. No web or internet information whatsoever.
Then i found the expire date, fucking 1990, kek
this was several years ago, but it was over 20 years old.
I could not believe they were giving out food that old, that no one checked the dates before they give the stuff out.
There are some stupid people out there that do not read the dates, or because they are needy enough do not check and assume because a church or food bank gave it to them, that it was safe.
They then end up feeding it to their kids.
I bet the potatoes were fossilized.kek
I ended up keeping it, because i found it amusing in away and as a reminder.
And we made damm sure to do everything we could to never have to get food like that again.
Luckly things got better, got raises, etc so was never needed again.