Ima troll Q until hes proven, one way or the other.
Honestly its the american way, fuck the sheep whos anus explodes if you doubt anything Q related.
Trust but verify my frens.
Ima troll Q until hes proven, one way or the other.
Honestly its the american way, fuck the sheep whos anus explodes if you doubt anything Q related.
Trust but verify my frens.
Today is a hreat chance for redpills.
Q seems to be implying mueller time is up.
If there is a big thing announcing that, boom. Board will be flooded.
So, put up or shut up Q! Im rooting for you.
Well if this really is a war room, that shits detrimental.
Think logically.
Get of the emotional bs..thats why people lose their shit and loose the (shill!!!) canon if anyone questions anything q related.
Q has delivered little…question the fuck outta everything.
Think for yourself, right?
Please fuck right off with all the delta bullshit.
Unless…theres a delta between this last drop and, say, mueller being shutdown or declass.
Kinda need that level of proof at this point.
But show me the one that proved anything.