Anonymous ID: bcea64 Jan. 5, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.4610829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941 >>0954 >>0995 >>1061

>>4609878 (pb)


"Feel sick yet?" - Q


My daughter felt sick, well over a year ago when she was molested by her mother's boyfriend… Now she mostly feels bruised. (Ya know, stuff like hand-print bruising). I reported this to my local-authorities, they handed it off to a gay-man at CPS who teamed-up with our child's attorney (the Talmudist, NXIVM affiliated, sexist-pig, known for feeding the foster-care system), who in-turn charged me with neglect for reporting it. They even tried to hide my mental-health records, omit them as evidence in court, then when they got caught and the mental-health records showed I was perfectly fine, they charged me with neglect for mental-health reasons, regardless. Not to mention claiming a clear hand-print bruise on my child, which my child said her mom's boyfriend gave her, was "normal toddler bruising". This is only the TIP of the ice-berg. I have evidence proving several-members of the court as accessories to child-molestation and abuse, yet NO ONE CARES.


I feel pretty sick over all of this…


So, then I called the FBI… I reported the instances of abuse/molestation AND the instances of public-corruption/cover-up. It's been over a year… Nothing. And of course, they won't even tell you if they are doing an investigation or not.


Still feeling pretty sick… The both of us.


So, I wrote the White House. It limits you in text, via email, so I was brief. I offered my support for the President, but also pleaded with him or anyone reading the letter for help… Nothing.


And this board… Oh, this board knows me well.


Oh yeah… I'm sick now.


Now?… Now there is really no telling what I'll do. A man with little left to lose, becomes quickly aware of what he is and isn't personally-capable of, as it's his only recompense. Why should we support a nation that has turned it's back on my daughter and I, when the worst possible thing imaginable is happening to her, despite us pretty much making the world aware of what is happening, while a bunch of Jewish-supremacist in the family-court have their way terrorizing us? (The same court that Law Enforcement just "can't intervene in". What a COHENcidence). Take a guess why I went from "I support Israel" to "GAS THE KIKES" suddenly in a span of a year. Our right to due-process has been pissed on MANY times. My 1st Amendment right has been trampled on by a judge, ON COURT-RECORDING, but hey, fuck it…

They are Jewish, and everyone knows the "chosen-people" get a pass on terrorizing Gentiles.


Go to hell, you LARPing, false-hope peddling, pieces of shit. You harbor and enable this shit, with your Israel/Jew-coddling bullshit. America's first and LARGEST heritage-group is GERMAN. Germanic-people ARE America. And you allow enemies of the Germanic-people to terrorize us on American-soil, while pretending to be our fucking savior??? Fuck you and POTUS. My family has GIVEN to this nation… and all it does it TAKE from us.

Anonymous ID: bcea64 Jan. 5, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.4611008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1164


You think that doesn't run through my mind?


But then what happens? I go to prison. My daughter goes to foster-care, or with her mother who was allowing (and possibly participated in) the molesting. The NXIVM-affiliated child's attorney, would have a hey-day with that…


We have law enforcement FOR A REASON… I shouldn't have to go murder a bunch of people to protect my daughter.

Anonymous ID: bcea64 Jan. 5, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.4611105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1247


No… You really don't. You are wrong about most things, too.


And, since you apparently can't read, that wasn't;t an appeal for assistance… Long-past that stage, buddy. That was a clearly a "Go to hell, and fuck yourself" kinda post, if you hadn't noticed.


"These people are stupid." - Q



Anonymous ID: bcea64 Jan. 5, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.4611127   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks anon… But, if you could just pressure a politician to even utter the words "Family Court" or "CPS". Prayers have done very little for us thus far. We're Christian… but not so strong in faith any longer.

Anonymous ID: bcea64 Jan. 5, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.4611356   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh I agree… But I don't see a way it can be done, where my daughter doesn't end up in a worse situation. Currently, I have very limited time with her, but I'm able to catch a lot going on and I believe my presence keeps a lot of their intentions at bay. The mother's family has a history of pedos and covering it up… New-husband/boyfriend has a severely dysfunctional family, drug and alcohol abuse issues, and is CLEARLY attracted to children. (His Facebook page served as proof).


I'm not from the area, so I don't have family here. The Child Attorney would risk my child away in a heartbeat, then "lose" her in the system. Dude… It's so bad, you wouldn't believe me if I told you everything. (In fact, most of you don't believe me, anyway). There is a cohort of criminals out here that are preying on us, for some reason or another. Idk why… I don't care. I just want my daughter safe. That's all. Not looking for anyone's fucking sympathy or attention. I'm looking for some goddamn action. (This is happening to others in the community too. People like me who speak out are "legally" abused.)


It's not as simple as just go beat the guy up and take your kid… This isn't a fucking movie, kid.