Why is Romney attacking POTUS?
Ann Romney (nee Davies) “[Revised June 27, 2012. Alleged Matrix 5 principal and Mormon wife of the allegedly-extorted man-in-the-middle Mormon, Mitt Romney; she allegedly secured a crony position as governor’s liaison to dirty money laundered by Kristine Marcy through the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; she allegedly used the money to build the Federal Bridge Certification Authority and pimp for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) and the United Effort Plan (UEP) – both being Mormon pedophile sects linked to Bountiful, British Columbia, and SOS Children’s Villages in Canada; she allegedly used the money to fund Fast and Furious contract hits by Femme Comp Inc (FCI) assassins; she allegedly used the money to pay Mormon and Femme Comp hit teams for the murder of law enforcement officers and subversion of Mexican and United States governments; she allegedly used the Federal Bridges (cf. Entrust Ottawa and Sidley Austin, Chicago) to move pedophiles through B.C.’s Bountiful community and extort silence from terrified trustees of the Utah Retirement System re various naked short positions during 9/11 and the subprime panic of 2007; she allegedly extorted her husband’s partners and clients at Bain & Company through VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices which concealed conditional access to insider-trading information for the 9/11 panic of the capital markets; she allegedly extorted her husband’s partners and clients at Bain & Company through VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices of snuff-film images procured by pedophile pimps through the Bountiful community in British Columbia; she allegedly converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1966 to take control of her future husband’s career; she allegedly conspired with Mitt’s father, George Romney, then Governor of Michigan, to move Mitt into a Mormon Mission Home mansion in Paris to learn the basic techniques of pedophile entrapment and man-in-the-middle propaganda; she allegedly used her future husband to help her lesbian friends to coordinate MitM attacks on the U.S. government and White House insiders in respect of their role in the Vietnam War; she allegedly used her future husband to help her lesbian friends to coordinate MitM attacks on French government leaders in respect of their role in the May 1968 general strike and student uprisings [cf. Jane ‘The Ripper’ Addams’ similar role in the University Settlement Movement through WWI]; she began attending Brigham Young University and then married Mitt Romney in 1969; she was First Lady of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007; Ann Davies knew of Mitt Romney since elementary school; she began dating him in March 1965; she spent a semester at the University of Grenoble in France during her freshman year; after Mitt’s return from France in December 1968, the pair reconnected and agreed to get married as soon as possible; they were married by a church elder in a civil ceremony on March 21, 1969, at her Bloomfield Hills home, with a reception afterward at a local country club; the following day the couple flew to Utah for a wedding ceremony inside the Salt Lake Temple; her family could not attend since they were non-Mormons, but were present at a subsequent wedding breakfast held for them across the street; after Mitt graduated, the couple moved to Boston so that he could attend Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School; she later finished her undergraduate work by gaining a semester and half’s worth of credits via taking night courses at Harvard University Extension School, from which she graduated in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in French language; she has been involved in a number of children’s charities, including being director of the inner city-oriented Best Friends; she worked extensively with the Ten Point Coalition in Boston and with other groups that promoted better safety and opportunities for urban youths; she has served as a board member for the United Way of America and helped found United Way Faith and Action; she was given the 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award from Salt Lake City-based Operation Kids. [Abel Danger alleges that Romney used pedophile federal bridge to mingle their wealth derived from naked short selling with fraudulently converted assets of the Utah Retirement System in Cayman Islands tax havens]”