Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.4612301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daniel Dusek is a traitor.


Captain Daniel Dusek, the former deputy director of operations for the Navy’s 7th Fleet has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for his treasonous involvement in a bribery scandal.


Dusek pleaded guilty last year (2015) to conspiracy to commit bribery, admitting he traded classified information for luxury gifts and access to prostitutes. He was sentenced to 46 months on Friday.


He’s the highest-ranking officer who has faced charges for his involvement in the scandal. Two admirals had their access to classified material suspended several years ago, over alleged connections to the scandal. To this day, both admirals — one of whom is the Navy’s intelligence chief — are blocked from viewing classified documents.


The scandal in question centers on foreign defense contractor Leonard Glenn Francis, or “Fat Leonard.”


Francis plied officers with vacations, prostitutes, cash and gifts including “top-shelf alcohol, ornamental swords and handmade ship models,” the Associated Press reports.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.4612371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2388 >>2408 >>2495 >>2568 >>2744

Barbara Ann Mikulski is a traitor.


Barbara Ann Mikulski is a treasonous United States Senator from Maryland.


Mikulski said at a Senate hearing Wednesday (January 20, 2016) that she wanted to avoid getting “involved in constitutional arguments.” The only problem is that the hearing in question dealt with President Obama’s recent executive actions on guns, which many believe infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.


“I look forward to…listening to the attorney general and listening to this wonderful panel that you’ve invited to participate today,” Mikulski, a Democrat and ardent supporter of gun control, said in her opening remarks ahead of a Senate Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee hearing, which heard testimony from the treasonous Attorney General Loretta Elizabeth Lynch.


“So let’s solve the problem,” Mikuski urged. “Let’s not get involved in constitutional arguments, and let’s help our American people be safe and secure in their home, their neighborhood, their school and their house of worship.”


Earlier this month, Obama announced that his administration will force more gun sellers — even low-volume sellers — to obtain licenses and to conduct background checks. The initiative, which was developed in part by Lynch, expands the category of gun sellers considered to be “in the business” of selling firearms.


Republicans and gun rights advocates criticized the executive action, alleging that it infringes on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.


And as Republican senators at Wednesday’s hearing showed, they were unwilling to heed Mikuski’s request to avoid the constitutionality of Obama’s action.


“The department is on notice,” Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby told Lynch. “This subcommittee will have no part in undermining the Constitution and the rights that it protects.”


In conclusion, Barbara Ann Mikulski is clearly one of the main players within the Washington rat nest of traitors.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.4612440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2644

Loretta Elizabeth Lynch is a traitor.


Loretta Elizabeth Lynch is the (former) Attorney General of the United States.


On December 3, 2015, Loretta Lynch stated that she would prosecute anyone who expressed “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that led to violence against Muslims. Among other things, she also invited members of the Muslim community to contact her if their children are bullied at school. Wow! Does anyone else have Lynch’s direct line so they can hop, skip, and jump over the playground monitor, teacher, counselor, vice-principal, and/or principal to the Attorney General of the United States? I can almost hear the phones dialing now with the next wave of fabricated clock boy complaints.


Lynch is treasonously enforcing Sharia law, creating two classes of citizens. Muslims are the protected class and non-Muslims are second-class citizens. I’m amazed Black Lives Matter folks aren’t up in arms over this, because blacks have just been relegated to a lower rung on the priority ladder (unless you’re black and Muslim, in which case, you’re golden).


Lynch is treasonously enforcing Sharia law, creating two classes of citizens. Muslims are the protected class and non-Muslims are second-class citizens. I’m amazed Black Lives Matter folks aren’t up in arms over this, because blacks have just been relegated to a lower rung on the priority ladder (unless you’re black and Muslim, in which case, you’re golden).


But back to Lynch’s threat to prosecute those who don’t uphold Islamic blasphemy law. First, Pamela Geller wrote an excellent piece at Breitbart, where she states:


If Lynch is serious in prosecuting hate speech, then she will have to start closing down mosques and banning the Quran. She wants to restrict the First Amendment so as to curb “actions predicated on violent talk?” Then she should ban this “violent talk.”


Geller then lists a multitude of passages from the Quran that mandate such peace-loving ideas as expel, persecute, fight, slay, banish, beat, slaughter, crucify, chastise, smite, force, ambush, terrorize, and kill.


She continues:


When Lynch made her treasonous statement, the bodies were still warm in San Bernardino….


Yet when she spoke to the 10th Anniversary Dinner of Muslim Advocates, the group that got the Obama administration to scrub all counter-terror training materials of any mention of jihad and Islam, Lynch said that her “greatest fear” was the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America. (snip)


Loretta Lynch said that the San Bernardino jihad attack gave her a “wonderful opportunity.” She said, “We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.”


Lynch’s statement about a “wonderful moment to really make a significant change” should give us all chills (and not the good kind). It echoed Obama’s “fundamental transformation” and should give anyone pause. The Attorney General of the United States wants to treasonously enforce Sharia law.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.4612491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2603

Michael Mahon Hastings is a patriot.


Michael Mahon Hastings (January 28, 1980 – June 18, 2013) was an American journalist, author, contributing editor to Rolling Stone and reporter for BuzzFeed.


Hastings became a vocal critic of the Obama administration, Democratic Party and surveillance state during the investigation of reporters by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2013, referring to the restrictions on the freedom of the press by the Obama administration as a “war” on journalism. His last story, “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans”, was published by BuzzFeed on June 7, 2013.


Hastings died in a mysterious car explosion on June 18, 2013, in Los Angeles, California. At that time, Michael Hastings was working on a story about the government before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.4612521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2551

Robert S. Lasnik is a traitor.


Robert S. Lasnik is a treasonous Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington.


U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik on Tuesday (July 31, 2018) blocked the imminent release of blueprints for 3-D printed guns, hours before they were set to hit the internet.


The decision blocked a settlement President Donald Trump’s administration had reached with the Texas-based company, which planned to put files online on Wednesday.


Eight states and the District of Columbia on Monday filed a lawsuit to fight a June settlement between the federal government and Defense Distributed allowing the Texas-based company to legally publish its designs.


Judge Robert Lasnik is clearly a traitor, for he has no legal authority to issue such an unlawful court order in violation to the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.4612559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2571

Pete Santilli is a patriot


Pete Santilli, a new media journalist who broadcasts his news reports over YouTube and streaming internet radio, is sitting in jail.


Santilli, notorious for his controversial topics, vocal outrage over government abuses, and inflammatory rhetoric, is not what anyone would consider an objective reporter. His radio show, aptly titled “Telling You the Truth…Whether You Like It or Not,” makes it clear that Santilli has a viewpoint (namely, that the government has overstepped its bounds), and he has no qualms about sharing it with his listeners.


It was that viewpoint that landed Santilli in jail.


In early January 2016, a group of armed activists, reportedly protesting the federal government’s management of federal lands and its prosecution of two local ranchers convicted of arson, staged an act of civil disobedience by occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon. Santilli, who has covered such protests in the past, including the April 2014 standoff in Nevada between the Bundy ranching family and the federal government over grazing rights, reported on the occupation in Burns as an embedded journalist, albeit one who was sympathetic to the complaints (although not the tactics) of the occupiers.


When asked to clarify his role in relation to the occupation, Santilli declared, “My role is the same here that it was at the Bundy ranch. To talk about the constitutional implications of what is going on here. The Constitution cannot be negotiated.”


Well, it turns out that the Constitution can be negotiated, at least when the government gets involved.


Long a thorn in the side of the FBI, Santilli was arrested by the FBI following its ambush and arrest of key leaders of the movement. He was charged, along with the armed resistors, with conspiracy to impede federal officers from discharging their duties by use of force, intimidation, or threats—the same charge being levied against those who occupied the refuge—which carries a maximum sentence of six years in prison.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.4612584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2633


What the FK are you a idiot,, just postings about people in the Gov and what they are/did do and your so FKing stupid you call me a terrorist .. do you own research

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.4612631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Randy Kennedy is a patriot.


Sheriff Randy Kennedy in Northeast Texas is the latest local law enforcement personality to urge the public to take up firearms in self defense.


Responding to Obama’s rare Oval Office Address Sunday (December 6, 2015), in which the president expressed a desire to curtail American gun rights, Hughes Springs County Sheriff Randy Kennedy uploaded a video commentary to Facebook defending law abiding gun owners.


“I know that there are a lot of law-abiding gun owners out there and nobody who is a legal gun owner has ever wanted to harm or kill anyone,” Sheriff Kennedy said. “But I know that we do not seek to harm or kill anyone but nor are we going to allow anyone to seek us out and kill us or do harm to our families.” “So, I strongly encourage you to help me by arming yourselves because I know that we as law enforcement do the very best we can to protect our citizens and we do a good job,” the sheriff continued. Sheriff Kennedy added that armed citizens are essential not only to protecting their families, but to saving law enforcement lives as well.


“I know that if the tables are ever turned on me or one of my officers that I want one of my citizens or a group of my citizens coming to our aide and rescue and I don’t want you running out of bullets and I don’t want you running out of guns before you’re able to pull our bacon out of the fire.”


The sheriff also spoke directly to President Obama, reminding him of the importance of the Second Amendment and that an attempt to confiscate Americans’ firearms would “cause a revolution.”

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.4612728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lois Capps is a traitor.


Congresswoman Lois Capps is a treasonous U.S. Representative for California’s 24th congressional district.


More than two dozen Democrats have joined Congresswoman Lois Capps with her proposed legislation that would eliminate the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law.


Those “gendered terms” would be replaced by “gender-neutral” words like “spouse” or “married couple,” according to the bill from Rep. Lois Capps.


The Supreme Court ruled in June 2015 that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution means all states have to license same-sex marriages. Capps said her bill was aimed at taking the next step, which is to ensure the United States Code “reflects the equality of all marriages.”


With the above excerpt notwithstanding, we don’t want to take idiocy like this too seriously. This clearly shows a pattern from the secular left of attacking all distinctions in gender – which is a larger proposition an attack on the idea that God gave you certain parts and that you’re supposed to use them as designed. Which, of course, is an attack on God’s sovereignty over the life of any individual or over the world in general.


Not that Congresswoman Lois Capps and these two dozen members of Congress are cognizant of any such agenda. They’re just morons following the cultural rot of the moment. That’s usually how cultural rot gets advanced.


Nevertheless, back on April 6, 2015, the treasonous Lois Capps announced she will not seek reelection in 2016.

Anonymous ID: ad53eb Jan. 5, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.4612815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And people wonder why our country is so FKed up


usan Oki Mollway is a traitor.


Susan Oki Mollway is a treasonous federal district judge on the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii.


Federal Judge Susan Oki Mollway is doing everything she can to nullify what the voters of Maui legally created on Election Day 2014.


In an historic effort, those voters passed a ballot measure temporarily blocking Monsanto and Dow from continuing their toxic GMO and pesticide experiments in the “open-air laboratory” of Maui.


Monsanto and Dow then turned around and sued to nullify that vote, and the County Government of Maui, betraying their own citizens, joined forces with the two corporate behemoths.


Judge Mollway now has the case before her.


In her very latest stalling move, she’s postponed any action until June 15, 2015. Meanwhile, Monsanto and Dow are allowed to continue poisoning the people of Maui.


Mollway’s justification for her latest stall? Between now and June 15, the Hawaii State Legislature MIGHT pass a bill that decides the future of Dow and Monsanto on Maui and thus overrides Maui voters; and therefore waiting is the best option.


This, despite the fact that the relevant agriculture bills now sitting before the State Legislature are receiving zero attention. At the moment, they’re dead ducks.


So what message is Judge Mollway really sending? It’s obvious. She’s nudging and winking at the Legislature, hoping they revive one of these bills or invent a new one and pass it. Soon.


She wants such a bill to make it clear that Monsanto and Dow can continue their GMO/pesticide experiments without interruption, regardless of what the voters of Maui have decided. She wants to destroy the ability of a vote to make any difference.


Since when does a sitting Federal Judge postpone making a judicial decision because another branch of government (the legislature) might enact a law?


In case you’ve forgotten, there are three branches of government, and they’re supposed to limit each other’s power.


What Mollway is doing is treasonous and absurd.


This would be like the US Supreme Court stating, “We are about to enter another round of decision-making on Obamacare—but we’re going to wait, because the Congress might possibly enact new legislation that clarifies the points we’re supposed to debate…”


Yes. Might. Possibly. And a hundred UFOs might land on Maui in early June and render, de facto, all governmental decisions null and void.


Why doesn’t Mollway just come out and say, “Look, there is no way I’m going to stop Monsanto and Dow from doing what they’ve been doing on Maui. I’ll employ any strategy to accomplish my objective. If anyone has suggestions on how I can achieve this, please email me. I’m open to all ideas. For example, the Maui voters were temporarily disabled on Election Day because a solar flare hit Hawaii and caused synaptic chaos. Or, Monsanto is actually a group of messianic extraterrestrials here to save us…”


Better yet, Mollway could simply declare Maui a judicial monarchy, appoint herself Queen, and cancel all voting privileges.