Anonymous ID: 0af0b9 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.4613361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3514


Massive red pilling habbens automatically when…


• Dumbass D's impeach DJT

• The entire libtard nation gets glued to their TV's to see Orange Man Bad get screwed

• After prosecutors shoot DJT with rubber bullets, he whips out his rocket launcher (a fucking tsunami of damning evidence) and fires the MOAB

• It takes months for Team Trump to stop firing bombs


∞ Tarmac recording

∞ Weiner laptop contents

∞ Killary server contents

∞ DNC server contents

∞ List never fucking ends, does it?


The tsunami of evidence will be so fucking massive that even the normies will have to concede defeat.




Pence will be arrested, which eliminates all discussion of this be a witch hunt on just the Democrappy Party.




Enjoy the show.