Him and countless others like him. All of Hwood, the sports world, media, half the R's, most of the D's. I get it. They need to be stopped. I say we stop them. With bullets, sharp metal objects, whatever works and has worked historically. Unless POTUS and the military do their jobs, of course, then we won't have to.
True story. This Christmas Eve, I was at a party hosted by a mostly conservative, Trump supporting family. They are also an old Hollywood family. One of the few who vote R. They have connections deep into Hwood, and the sports world. One family member is a former champion pro in a solo sport. He (P) was relating his story on meeting Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn at a recent event. They've known each other going way back. P kept calling him Bruce, but Bruce kept saying his name was Caitlyn. P couldn't call him that. It was a funny story, which had most of us laughing. Behind me, I overheard P's Berkeley schooled and ultra lib cousin remark to her friend, "Old men (us) trying to understand the new world around them." They believe they have all the answers for all of us.