Anonymous ID: abb34f Jan. 5, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.4613619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3660 >>3702



POTUS needs to accelerate the Plan.

People are tired of the delays, I know it takes time, to build cases and clean out the rats.

But with the blatant voter fraud, House has become subservient to Islam now. Someone needs to move and take action.

Patriots are fed up with the in your face fuckery, the trashing of the Constitution, unamerican traitors running around like they own the damn world.

Antifa wanting to create no go zones in Nashville,

People are ready to pop.

Myself I'm to the point there is not restoring the Republic, the libtards are pushing to the point of chaos and civil war.

Sure there is some low level pedo busts, etc.

President needs to start having a weekly address to the nation, even a new news network, Disney buys FOX, they're going libtard there is no news outlets on a national scale to be Patriots, Just mockingbirds.

Better a fight in the open than a cloak and dagger BS, I believe Reagan said it best, TRUST BUT VERIFY,

You say TRUST THE PLAN< but lets VERIFY a little bit that the plan is working, because NO ONE IN GOVERNMENT is ADDRESSING VOTER FRAUD…

Signed Pissed off patriot.