- Chart
The World System in 1963
"…the god of this world…" II Corinthians 4:4
Jean-Baptiste Janssens
Jesuit General
Giovanni Battista Montini
"Infallible" Pope Paul VI
Francis "Cardinal" Spellman
Archbishop of New York and Knight of Columbus
American "Military Vicar"
J. Peter Grace, CFR
Head, American Branch
of the Knights of Malta
Head, W.R. Grace & Co.
Sponsored "Operation Paperclip"
Military Industrial Complex
John A. McCone
Knight of Malta
Military Industrial Complex
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Reinhard Gehlen
Knight of Malta
General, Nazi Intell
Betrays German Army
General, U.S. Army
Builds CIA
Trains Israel's
James Jesus Angleton
Knight of Malta
OSS Officer in Rome
NKVD / KGB Agent
Chief, Counterintelligence, CIA
Manned "Vatican Desk", CIA
Manned "Israeli Desk", CIA
Kim Philby
Knight of Malta
British SIS
Member of Jesuit Maly's "Cambridge Spy Ring"
False Defectors
Blamed Castro & Oswald
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Knight of Malta
CFR / CIA Officer
"Skull & Bones" Member
Editor, National Review
Blamed Castro
Blamed Oswald
Clay Shaw
Knight of Malta
CIA Officer
Director, Intl. Trade Mart
New Orleans
Tried by Jim Garrison, 1969
Lee Harvey Oswald
False Defector to Russia
KGB/CIA Connection
"I'm Just a Patsy"
Murdered by Mafioso
Jack Ruby
Ruby imprisoned, murdered
Warren Commission
Gerald Ford, Congressman
Shriner Freemason
Cartha D. DeLoach, FBI
Knight of Malta
DeLoach aids Ford
Blames Oswald
The Great Jesuit Cover-up
1963 to the Present
Henry Luce
Knight of Malta
CFR / CIA Officer
"Skull & Bones" Member
Editor, Time / Life
Blamed Castro
Blamed Oswald
E. Howard Hunt
CIA Assassin
Proven to be in Dallas, Texas
on November 22, 1963
in Miami's Federal District Court in
Hunt v. Liberty Lobby, 1985
Documented in Mark Lane's
Plausible Denial, 1991
Charles Colson
Pro-Jesuit Protestant
Aids in Cover-up
G. Gordon Liddy
Fordham Jesuit-trained
Aids in Cover-up
Assassination of President Kennedy
Knight of Columbus
"Rebel" to the Pope, in attempting to destroy the Jesuit General's CIA and end
"Spelly's War" in Vietnam, and therefore was a "notorious tyrant"
whose assassination was lawful, according to the Jesuit Francisco Suarez
in his Defensio Catholicae Fidei.