Anonymous ID: 10e471 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.4614054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4069 >>4147


I'm not doxing myself.

But I know more about it than you do.

They paid off a lot of people, so what?

The people who didn't take the money had unusual "accidents" or had, for instance, a Bush lawyer get involved with their relatives, have their family turn against them and take their inheritance.

There were not many hold-outs. It 's a longer story.

Remember POTUS' friend's wife?

She would not take the money

Remember the plane flight?

suspicious crash connected to a phone call by Hillary Clinton

Remember Rodham Clinton has the patent on a devise to bring an airplane down remotely?

Right after meeting with Obama and discussing her evidences?.

What happened then?

That's the meta-data.

You have to look at data in a context.

I would be much more interested to know what was Beverly Eckert's evidences - that she presented to Obama, than to put credence onto files which could be forged and are of unknown provenance.

[from my experience on this beat.

The problem is what people ignore, not what they are unable to read from allegedly "official" documents]

The evidence is right in front of people, but they don't have the conviction of their 5 senses plus logic of their own minds.

They are waiting for it to be announced on CNN.

I know that sounds laughable, but that is really it.

It won't be real 'til CNN announces it and they can tell all their friends "I told you so."

Better to use Logic than to rely upon likely fubarred "documents"

He who smelt it, dealt it.

Beverly Eckert


9/11 might even be a slide for what we are involved in here with "Q" and President Donald J. Trump.

Beverly Eckert is not, though.

There was a "Q" drop about her.

>>4608574 pb

I love this theory. It's great.

Would make for an amazing movie

Anonymous ID: 10e471 Jan. 5, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.4614341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4613614 pb

IMO the hacking group call "Capt. Crunch" "Mindvox" ran the electronic scam through all the Tower computers in the moments between the explosions and the disintegration of the Towers..

They had an office directly across the street.

That is my conjecture

Dude's grandfather founded the phone company [that's how he got the manuals for his illustrious hacking career] and his Dad the "Village Voice" Mockingbird newspaper.

He's a Zionist?, all for "War on Terror" / kill the Arabs who did 9/11, when he should've known better.

They are just suspects but if I was a Prosecutor I would take them in for questioning.


The people they paid off just took the money and signed paperwork to keep quiet. They could've been perps too,? but maybe not.

I never thought of that.

I always assumed they were people who were pressured to take the money and to shut up and not question.

Some who didn't take the money called it "blood money"

Maybe it was like a Sandy Hook deal where all the people who were in on it got payed off?