Anonymous ID: 42def1 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.4614135   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4153 >>4179 >>4202 >>4219 >>4300


Q proofs done by those who obviously don't know what proofs are.

I have followed Q from the beginning.

He/she/it has been wrong many times.

Q is here to control opposition.

To lead you down the rabbit hole

He even tells you "follow the white rabbit"

Like lemmings you comply

Q even tells you all you get are crumbs.

Crumbs off the table.

Dogs eat crumbs off the table.

Where's the beef?

Proof? You mean like the 10 days of darkness?

Or trust Sessions? [Fired]

Or trust the Plan? [What plan? None has ever been articulated.] {Cue the Joe M you tube video}

I support DJT 100% but this shit is getting old.

Time for people to get out of their mommies basement.

Rise up like real men and women.

At least the French do. Americans sit behind their keyboards and scream "TRUST THE PLAN".

If Q isn't a Larp, great?

But I wouldn't bet on that seeing how many times he's been wrong.

[Cue the standard info/disinfo reply]

But nah, you blokes go ahead and suck this psyop shit down.

Good luck.

Anonymous ID: 42def1 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.4614212   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4256 >>4266 >>4418


None of you actually stop and think, do you?

With all of the meetings, phone calls and visits the president does,

he somehow has time to keep with an 4chan/8chan larp?

God I can't believe I used to believe this shit.

Yea, I'm out alright–but I am just here for the memes, remember?

Anonymous ID: 42def1 Jan. 5, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.4614403   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4431 >>4437 >>4439 >>4469





where is your "Q proof" this is military op?


I'm sure the globalists infiltrated military just let this op go on just for the shits and giggles.


I'm offering you the chance to change my mind thru memes…


:) chill dude. Ya take this way too seriously.


Oh, btw, to date, no one of any importance has been arrested, except on Trump's team.


Some plan.