Anonymous ID: 618316 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.4613811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3859 >>3866 >>4003 >>4162 >>4174 >>4269


I lost everything, anon. Apartment, love of my life, kids, job, you name it because of this movement. Friends have all left and haven't reached out in 2 years since officially joining the crew full time. Well as full time as you can give but that's all gone now. I'm pressed on the collateral account because I would like to have a home to call mine for the first time. I know a lot of you would too if you don't already have a house. Something I can come home to after work if I get hired as a wizard or warlock once I train enough and live a quiet life. I'm concernfaggin hard bros.

Anonymous ID: 618316 Jan. 5, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.4613969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017 >>4421


I just started honestly last month. Doing a lot of courses online and learning to code and hack. A LOT of work considering I left a $100K paying gig in PedoWood but couldn't stand the blatant molestation of kids I saw on set. Was a wonderkin during my career in that field but had a rough couple of years with identity and wanting realness out of life then I got BTFO from trying to red pill people with solid material and Q honestly inspired me to go into tech. I'd really like to be a wizard one day…the pay could be decent too considering everyone has a computer in their hands. Cybersecurity could do really well. Fuck I hope it does kek