Anonymous ID: 84523b Jan. 5, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.4613782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4129 >>4428

Taiwan President Calls For International Support Against China Threats


Tsai Ing-wen asks the international community to defend Taiwan's democracy


Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen called on the international community to defend democratic values by supporting the self-ruled island amid renewed threats from the Chinese regime.


Tsai’s remarks come days after Chinese leader Xi Jinping insisted that Taiwan was part of China and that both countries should seek “unification,” in a speech re-iterating the regime’s stance on Jan. 2.


“We [Taiwan] are an important and loyal supporter of all internationally important values,” President Tsai told reporters in Taipei on Jan. 5.


“So when a country like us faces difficulties and threats, we hope that the international community takes it seriously and can voice support and help us,” she said, referring to threats from the Chinese regime to use the military to force the island into its control.


Taiwan is a constitutional democracy, and functionally an independent nation with its own military, currency, and government. The Chinese regime, however, sees the island as a renegade province that must be unified with the mainland, by force if necessary.


“When a country that does its best to practice democracy and shared international values face threats and violation, I believe that this is also a violation of democracy and those values,” Tsai added.


“If the international community does not speak out for and support Taiwan while it is facing such a situation, we have to ask which country will be next.”

Anonymous ID: 84523b Jan. 5, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.4613819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4092

Syria - Turkey Fails In Idleb, Is Unwilling To Take The Northeast


The neoconservatives in the Trump administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton and the Syria envoy James Jeffery, are scrambling to save their plans for Syria that President Trump disposed of when he ordered a complete retreat.


Those plans were for a permanent U.S. occupation of northeast Syria, the reduction of Iranian influence within the government held parts of Syria and an eventual disposal of the Syrian government under President Assad through negotiations. These were unicorn aims that had no chance to ever be achieved.


Moreover Trump had never signed off on these ideas. Back in April he had announced that he wanted U.S. troops out of Syria. He gave his staff six month to achieve that. But instead of following those orders Pompeo and Bolton tried to implement their own plans:


Late last year, some of the president’s hawkish advisers drafted a memo committing the United States to a longer-term presence in Syria that included goals of an enduring defeat of the Islamic State, a political transition and the expulsion of Iran, officials said. The president has not signed the memo, which was presented to him weeks ago.


In fact, Trump had warned his aides for months that he wanted out of Syria in short order.

Bolton’s Iran plan never really took effect at the Pentagon, where officials were not officially tasked with any new mission in addition to the operation against the Islamic State. Military officials likewise viewed Iran’s expansion into Syria as problematic, but they were skeptical about the lack of a clear legal justification that would be required for offensive military action against Iranian-backed forces.


Trump recognized that those plans were nonsense and ordered to end them. In that process he came up with a likewise unicorn idea - to hand northeast Syria to Turkey to fight the already defeated Islamic State. Turkey does not want northeast Syria. It does not want to risk a bloody war against the Kurds that would be required to sustain such an occupation.

Anonymous ID: 84523b Jan. 5, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.4613852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Not So Special US-UK Relationship


The Anglo-American ‘Special Relationship’ has been known to exist as a close alliance between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since the days of FDR and Churchill forged during the Second World War. It is called special because of the unique historical and cultural bonds of kinship that unite the American and British peoples through a perceived shared heritage, common political/social/economic values and language. Together over the course of 72 years it has been the White House with the support of 10 Downing Street as its principal strategic leading ally in Europe.


The so-called 'Special Relationship' is an unprecedented coming together and sharing of two nation states intelligence and national security infrastructures and spy-intelligence organisations. The US-UK relationship is highly integrated at an intelligence, defence, foreign policy and security level. As well as being two highly developed, mature, sophisticated economies that do a tremendous amount of trade and investment with each other there are cultural affinities with a shared language and common ancestry.


At a political level the relationship between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is an institution of the Anglo-American special relationship and the poster child of it. When it has been good and based on mutual admiration and mutual chemistry with a strong bond of friendship such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, Tony Blair with Bill Clinton and George W Bush, John F Kennedy and Harold Macmillan and FDR together with in war time arms Churchill it has served to create an aura of confidence and glamour as well as excitement in the conduct of Western global leadership under the American order. Low points included the evident cold body language and distaste Edward Heath had for Richard Nixon.


Also Harold Wilson fell out with President Johnson regarding not having British involvement in the Vietnam War. British Conservative Prime Minister John Major did not get on well with American liberal 'New' Democrat President Bill Clinton regarding differing positions on the Irish peace process and Northern Ireland as well as Major helping Republican George Bush during the 1992 Presidential Election.


Now, quite possibly the US-UK “special relationship” has suffered serious damage and could be at its lowest ebb ever, which will have tremendous consequences for the UK's position in the world going forward outside of the European Union. The relationship and alliance has always meant far more to London than to Washington DC. But in so heavily involving the British intelligence services in interfering in the 2016 US Presidential election directly working against the Republican candidate Donald Trump and in favour of the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, the British State may just have crossed a red line to far in the mind of President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 84523b Jan. 5, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.4614236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4293

Israel said set to seek $250b compensation for Jews forced out of Arab countries


'Time has come to correct historic injustice,' minister says


After 18 months of research, first claims being finalized for reported $35b from Tunisia, $15b from Libya, for assets Jews left behind when kicked out after establishment of Israel



Anonymous ID: 84523b Jan. 5, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.4614325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4414 >>4428 >>4456

Venezuela’s parliament rejects legitimacy of Maduro second term


Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly declared Nicolas Maduro’s presidency illegitimate Saturday, calling on the military to support efforts to “restore democracy.”


“We reaffirm the illegitimacy of Nicolas Maduro,” the assembly’s new president Juan Guaido said as he was sworn in at the start of a new legislative session.


“As of January 10, he will be usurping the presidency and consequently this National Assembly is the only legitimate representative of the people.”


Maduro is set to be sworn in on Thursday for a second six-year term after holding controversial early elections May 20.


The elections were boycotted by most of the opposition and widely condemned by the international community.


On Friday, foreign ministers from 12 Latin American countries and Canada announced in Lima that their governments would not recognize Maduro as president if he attempts to remain in office and urged him to turn over power to the National Assembly.


Guaido, in a speech attended by lawmakers and members of the diplomatic corps, declared that the military’s chain of command had been “broken or usurped,” but called on the armed forces to support efforts “to restore democracy.”


He committed to “generate conditions for a government of transition and to call free elections.”