Anonymous ID: d3b92c Jan. 5, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.4614261   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4312


With you anon. I really wanted to see greater society wake up and have a little justice for the decades of crimes I was aware of…that America wasn't stuck and humanity would finally prosper.


I went all in. The last year also coincided with the last that was in my tank. Perhaps I'm wrong, that there's a second act that just requires more time, but I don't believe it.


Watching the mid-terms be stolen and this new crop of anti-American scum be sworn in is enough for my lying eyes. "The ballot box is secured." I really believed it when I went to vote.


Guess the joke was on me. Not sure I even see the angle to this confidence scam. Perhaps, as was pointed out before, it was to keep us herded and pacified…as well as create digital biographies on everyone here. QFacebook.


Might as well make ms cortez our first 'woman' president.


President can't be authorized 5 billion for a wall, a legitimate need, but we were running a 6 billion DAILY deficit last quarter.


What a sad fucking joke.