Anonymous ID: a598c0 Jan. 5, 2019, 3 p.m. No.4615131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5150


most muslim bitches are.

I thought it stupid for them to keep these whores in garbage bags until they started removing them and let them talk freely.


Then we brought bigger more permanent garbage bags.


No wonder these stupid niggaz keep the bitches in laundry bags.


That is one fucking liberated pig bitch right there.

Anonymous ID: a598c0 Jan. 5, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.4615213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is why china is being aggressive now.

Average chinese are going to be fuckign dragged into a war because (((globalists))) working hand in hand with CCCP and CBOC who made sweat shop slaves of them will be now initiating a hostile conflict over taiwan or south china sea islands to prevent erosion of their slavery plantation.


Chinese Professor Censored After Admitting Real GDP Growth Is Below 2%


"Stirring up unpleasant echoes of the market chaos that swept the world in the opening days of 2016, Apple's decision to cut its quarterly revenue guidance for the first time in 16 years - citing slowing iPhone sales in China as the primary culprit - reinforced concerns about slowing growth in the world's second-largest economy that could have wide-ranging repercussions for global markets.


This wasn't the only factor prompting fears over slowing Chinese economic growth: a batch of soft economic data including consumption, manufacturing surveys and retail sales indicators has undoubtedly helped contribute to the paranoia. As we argued on Friday, when prognosticating the direction of global markets in 2019, all eyes will be on the USA's largest trading partner.


For the first time since it overtook Japan as the world's second-largest economy back in 2011, China has displayed surprisingly weak economic data that have somehow obscured the widely held, if rarely discussed in public belief that these data, which are compiled by the Chinese state, are largely suspect. Contributing to its goal of maintaining order and stability at home, the Communist Party is widely believed to doctor and goalseek its data to present a rosier picture. Apparently, the notion that this is probably happening has become so widely accepted that investors often lose sight of it.


But in an well-timed reminder, the Financial Times has published a story citing a presentation by a controversial yet widely recognizable Chinese economist and others who argue that China's GDP growth could be much weaker than the official data - which showed the Chinese economy grew at an annualized rate of 6.7% through the third quarter - reflect.


To the consternation of Chinese censors, a presentation delivered by an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing sparked a controversy last month when the professor claimed that a secret government research group had estimated China’s growth in gross domestic product could be as low as 1.67% in 2018, far below the official rate.

Even experts who are skeptical of the official data dismissed the presentation, delivered by a professor Xiang Songzuo, as unrealistic. Yet despite being scrubbed from Chinese social media and the mainland Internet, the presentation has been viewed 1.2 million times on YouTube (clip above), suggesting that Xiang's warnings are resonating with everyday Chinese consumers, who are struggling with one of the worst-performing stock markets of 2018, a collapsing shadow lending sector, a crackdown on China's vast online peer-2-peer lending infrastructure, and a currency that has weakened significantly over the past 12 months."


Much of the chinese economic success was 'engineered' by doors to united states and world riches opened purposefully by the globalist factions. Now that these scum, who partner with exploiters and top level rich fools in china (enabled by globalists to exploit their own people while blinding them with muh china stronk etc) are losing power, they need to initiate a conflict to stifle voices of dissent and salvage their base of power.


None of the above will matter once the FED is destroyed by Patriots. The domino effect as one anon mentioned will be uncontainable.