guys .. A caregiver-anon needs help. I know I always get crap after writing about this but it is a subject needing work and personal effects me hugely.
I refuse to believe POTUS is behind the intentional suffering the CDC has caused millions of innocent elderly and disabled Americans. The numbers are in the millions of OUR elderly folks who have suffered a disability in their long lifetime immense intentional pain and suffering. Is the CDC still run by (((them))) the Cabal? Is POTUS too busy to see what is happening? Are there hidden "deep state" government employees funneling misinformation to POTUS? Is there hidden information not yet disclosed about opioids to allow the CDC to cause this much harm? Because I can only find warnings on the harm done to the liver by Tylenol nothing on opioids. Opioids if you all remember is nothing more than a flower just like marijuana is a plant. They are both grown from the ground by nature.
It is glaringly obvious to anyone with half a brain who research's the .gov and cdc statistics the nefarious manipulation of the statistics. Do you know they include in the statistics all drugs both illegal and legal including cocaine, meth, mdma etc. under the headline "Opioid overdoses"? Those numbers being fed to us are wrong. Managed pain relief by prescription opioids does not make a dent in the statistics. Millions of elderly home and bed bound people are suffering an early death by the agony of forced cut-offs for no reason or worst yet suicide. The 2000 people who overdosed on prescriptions opioids probably did so intentionally committing suicide because it is the easiest way out. If not prescription opioids to do the job then there always is drain cleaner so we don't even know if the 2000 would have happened anyway.
Don't get me wrong I have empathy for junkies who die due to illegal fentanyl, heroin, meth, cocaine, mdma and designer synthetics but not at the expense of the pain and suffering they are causing my own parents. We now have put a few thousand drug addicts above the millions of our own "WWG1WGA Patriots" parents. CDC put zero protocols in place to protect the elder and disabled.
At the minimum all you great diggers who know how to dig should take 5 minutes and dig for the statistics. We should be asking ourselves why 10 billion plus more dollars are going to save in reality about 2000 people per year with little or no oversight.
"A good man speaks truth to power"
The above article is from an unlikely author and is Commander John Burke, “a 40-year veteran of law enforcement, the past president of the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, and the president and cofounder of the International Health Facility Diversion Association.”
The last paragraph of Commander Burke’s article is worth repeating here.
“Let’s get back to dealing with each person claiming to be in legitimate pain and believe them until we have solid evidence that they are scamming the system. If they are, then let’s pursue them through vigorous prosecution, but let’s not punish the majority of people receiving opioids who are legitimate patients with pain.